doc. RNDr. Pavel Heřman, Dr.

- Pracoviště: PřF - Katedra fyziky
- docent
- E-mail: pavel.herman@uhk.cz
- Telefon: 493332770
- Budova: S
- Místnost: 72510 2. podlaží
Publikace na UHK
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Light harvesting complex LH2 - simulation of spectral profiles. International journal of biology and biomedical engineering. 2019, 13 (2019), 10-19. ISSN 1998-4510.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. B850 Ring from Light–Harvesting Complex LH2 - Fluctuations in Dipole Moment Orientations of Bacteriochlorophyll Molecules. International journal of biology and biomedical engineering. 2017, 11 (léto), 39-47. ISSN 1998-4510.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL, J. LOSKOT, A. HLADÍKOVÁ. Fluctuations of Pigment’s Dipole Moment Orientations in B850 Ring from Photosynthetic Complex LH2. WSEAS transactions on applied and theoretical mechanics. 2017, 12 (jaro), 105-112. ISSN 1991-8747.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL, J. LOSKOT, A. HLADÍKOVÁ. Fluctuations of Radial Positions of Bacteriochlorophylls in Whole Photosynthetic Complex LH2. International journal of applied physics. 2017, 2 (září), 51-59. ISSN 2367-9034.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Photosynthetic Complex LH2 (B850 and B800 Ring) - Static Disorder in Radial Positions of Molecules. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 2017, 13 (January), 503-513. ISSN 1790-5079.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. B850 Ring from Photosynthetic Complex LH2 – Comparison of Different Static Disorder Types. International journal of mathematics and computers in simulation. 2016, 10 (listopad), 361-369. ISSN 1998-0159.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL, J. CHARVÁT. B850 Ring from Photosynthetic Complex LH2 – Influence of Static Disorder. International journal of biochemistry research. 2016, 1 (září), 27-34. ISSN 2534-8825.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. B-alpha /B-beta Ring from Photosynthetic Complex LH4, Modeling of Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra. International journal of mathematics and computers in simulation. 2016, 10 (srpen), 332-344. ISSN 1998-0159.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Fluctuations of Bacteriochlorophyll’s Positions in B850 Ring from Photosynthetic Complex LH2. International journal of mathematics and computers in simulation. 2016, 10 (prosinec), 381-389. ISSN 1998-0159.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Modeling of Emission and Absorption Spectra of LH2 Complex (B850 and B800 Ring) - Full Hamiltonian Model. International journal of mathematics and computers in simulation. 2016, 10 (duben), 208-217. ISSN 1998-0159.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL, P. KABRHEL. Simulation of Absorption and Steady State Fluorescence Spectra, B-alpha/B-beta Ring from Photosynthetic Complex LH4. International journal of biochemistry research. 2016, 1 (červen), 17-26. ISSN 2534-8825.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL, M. HORÁK. Computer Simulation of Absorption and Steady State Fluorescence Spectra of LH2 Complex - B850 and B800 Ring. In: The 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT '15). Athens: World scientific and engineering academy and society, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61804-313-9.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Computer Simulation of Emission and Absorption Spectra for LH2 Ring. In: International Conference on Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (MMAS|14). Berlin: Springer, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-15764-1.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Modeling of Absorption and Steady State Fluorescence Spectra of Full LH2 Complex (B850-B800 Ring). International journal of mathematical models and methods in applied sciences. 2015, 9 (listopad), 614-623. ISSN 1998-0140.
ZAPLETAL, David, P. HEŘMAN, M. HORÁK. Modelling of Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Photosynthetic Complex. In: SEEP2015. Paisley: University of the West of Scotland, 2015. ISBN 978-1-903978-51-1.
HORÁK, Milan, P. HEŘMAN, D. ZAPLETAL. Simulation of Emission and Absorption Spectra of Full LH2 Complex (B850 Ring and B800 Ring) - Full Hamiltonian Model. In: The 6th European Conference of Computer Science (ECCS'15). Athens: World scientific and engineering academy and society, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61804-344-3.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL. Simulation of Emission Spectra for LH4 Ring - Fluctuations in Radial Positions of Molecules. International journal of biology and biomedical engineering. 2015, 9 (jaro), 65-74. ISSN 1998-4510.
ZAPLETAL, David, P. HEŘMAN. Photosynthetic complex LH2 - Absorption and steady state fluorescence spectra. Energy. 2014, 77 (1.12.2014), 212-219. ISSN 0360-5442.
ZAPLETAL, David, P. HEŘMAN. Photosynthetic Complex LH4 - Absorption and Steady State Fluorescence Spectra. In: SEEP2014. Dubai: BUiD, 2014. ISBN 978-1-903978-49-8.
HEŘMAN, Pavel, D. ZAPLETAL, P. KABRHEL. Simulation of emission spectra for LH2 ring: Fluctuations of radial positions of molecules. In: International Conference on Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences MMAS'14. Athens: World scientific and engineering academy and society, 2014. ISBN 978-1-61804-251-4.