LIOY, Alberto. “I Would Prefer Not To”: Establishing the Missing Link between Invalid Voting and Public Protest in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society. 2024, 66 (1), 106-132. ISSN 1531-426X.
LIOY, Alberto, DC. MEDRANO. Platform politics in Latin America: Equalizers, normalizers, laggards, and marginals. Information Polity: An International Journal of Government and Democracy in the Information Age. 2024, 29 (3), 331-350. ISSN 1570-1255.
LIOY, Alberto. "Not to be taken personally": Tracing Six Decades of Scholarship on Personal, Personalist, and Personalized Political Parties (1960-2021). Political Studies Review. 2023, 21 (4), 825-835. ISSN 1478-9299.
LIOY, Alberto. Transitions to captured democracy: The 1998 Costa Rican election as a critical juncture. European review of Latin American and Caribbean studies. 2023, Neuveden (115), 85-110. ISSN 0924-0608.
LIOY, Alberto. The blank ballot crisis: a multi-method study of fraud in the 2006 Italian election. Contemporary Italian Politics. 2021, 13 (3), 352-381. ISSN 2324-8823.