prof. PhDr. Blanka Klímová, M.A., Ph.D.

- Pracoviště: FIM - Fakulta informatiky a managementu
- proděkanka FIM pro zahraniční vztahy
- Pracoviště: FIM - Katedra aplikované lingvistiky
- profesorka
- E-mail: blanka.klimova@uhk.cz
- Telefon: 493332205
- Budova: J
- Místnost: 91250 1. podlaží
- Budova: J
- Místnost: 94010 4. podlaží
Konzultační hodiny
Po: 14:00-15:30 ( Vždy po dohodě e-mailem. )
Publikace na UHK
KIZIL, A.S., B. KLÍMOVÁ, M. PIKHART, A. PARMAXI. A Systematic Review of the Recent Research on the Usefulness of Chatbots for Language Education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 2025, 41 (2), "Article number: e70001". ISSN 0266-4909.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, M. PIKHART. Exploring the effects of artificial intelligence on student and academic well-being in higher education: a mini-review. Frontiers in psychology. 2025, 16 (February), "Article number: 1498132". ISSN 1664-1078.
AL-OBAYDI, Liqaa Habeb, M. PIKHART, RM. TAWAFAK, B. KLÍMOVÁ. Relationship Investigation between Time Investment and Language Learning Based on Digital Games. International Journal of Serious Games. 2025, 12 (1), 39-58. ISSN 2384-8766.
SERAJ, P.M.I., B. KLÍMOVÁ. Smartphone Apps -based Teaching Method to Develop Oral English Communication Skills at the Tertiary Level in an EFL Context. World Journal of English Language. 2025, 15 (2), 250-262. ISSN 1925-0703.
IBNA, Seraj P.M., B. KLÍMOVÁ, M. MUTHMAINNAH. A Systematic Review on the Factors Related to Cyberbullying for Learners’ Wellbeing. European Journal of Educational Research. 2024, 13 (4), 1877-1899. ISSN 2165-8714.
TAO, Hai, MS. ALDLEMY, RZ. HOMOD, MKA. MOHAMMED, AR. MALLAH, OA. ALAWI, SS. SHAFIK, H. TOGUN, B. KLÍMOVÁ, H. ALZAHRANI, ZM. YASEEN. Computational analysis of turbulent flow characteristics in nanofluids containing 1-D and 2-D carbon nanomaterials: grid optimization and performance evaluation. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS. 2024, 18 (1), "Article Number: 2396058". ISSN 1994-2060.
MAREŠOVÁ, Petra, L. REŽNÝ, J. HRUŠKA, B. KLÍMOVÁ, L. SWANSTROM, K. KUČA. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease – a systematic review of cost-effectiveness and economic burden. BMC Health Services Research. 2024, 24 (1), "Article number: 1351". ISSN 1472-6963.
PIKHART, Marcel, LH. AL-OBAYDI, B. KLÍMOVÁ. Does digital learning stimulate creativity?. Cogent Arts and Humanities. 2024, 11 (1), "Article Number: 2407103". ISSN 2331-1983.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, NES. CECÍLIA DE PAULA. Enhancing Foreign Language Learning Approaches to Promote Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 2024, 53 (4), "Article number: 48". ISSN 0090-6905.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, M. PIKHART, L. AL-OBAYDI. Exploring the potential of ChatGPT for foreign language education at the university level. Frontiers in psychology. 2024, 15 (April), "Article number: 1269319". ISSN 1664-1078.
PIKHART, Marcel, B. KLÍMOVÁ, LH. AL OBAYIDI. Exploring University Students' Preferences and Satisfaction in Utilizing Digital Tools for Foreign Language Learning. Frontiers in Education. 2024, 9 (July), "Article Number: 1412377". ISSN 2504-284X.
POLÁKOVÁ, Petra, B. KLÍMOVÁ. Implementation of AI-driven technology into education - a pilot study on the use of chatbots in foreign language learning. Cogent Education. 2024, 11 (1), "Article Number: 2355385". ISSN 2331-186X.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, K. ZAMBOROVA, K. FRONČKOVÁ. Metacognitive Reading Awareness Among Freshmen EFL Students; [Метакогнітивна обізнаність у читанні серед студентів-першокурсників, які вивчають англійську мову за професійним спрямуванням]. Psycholinguistics. 2024, 35 (2), 65-81. ISSN 2309-1797.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, J. CHEN. The Impact of AI on Enhancing Students’ Intercultural Communication Competence at the University Level: A Review Study. Language Teaching Research Quarterly. 2024, 43 (October), 102-120. ISSN 2667-6753.
PIKHART, Marcel, LH. AL-OBAYDI, B. KLÍMOVÁ, RM. TAWAFAK. The Impact of Digital Games on Motivation and Attitudes of EFL College Students. Journal of Asia TEFL. 2024, 21 (1), 235-243. ISSN 1738-3102.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, V. DE CAMPOS. University undergraduates’ perceptions on the use of ChatGPT for academic purposes: evidence from a university in Czech Republic. Cogent Education. 2024, 11 (1), "Article number: 2373512". ISSN 2331-186X.
IBNA, Seraj P.M., B. KLÍMOVÁ, R. KHAN. Visualizing Research Trends in English Language Teaching (ELT) From 2013 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis. Sage open. 2024, 14 (2), "Art. N.: 21582440241251998". ISSN 2158-2440.
PIKHART, Marcel, B. KLÍMOVÁ, A. CIERNIAK-EMERYCH, S. DZIUBA. A Comparative Analysis of Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning. Behavioral Sciences. 2023, 13 (3), "Article number: 262". ISSN 2076-328X.
PIKHART, Marcel, B. KLÍMOVÁ, F. MEUNIER, I. IBARRA, F. MUÑOZ, K. ZAMBOROVA, M. SOULÉ, R. RODRIGUEZ, A. PARMAXI. A Systematic Review of the Cognitive Impact of Digital Media Modalities on Reading Comprehension in L2. Investigaciones sobre Lectura. 2023, 18 (2), 56-87. ISSN 2340-8685.
KLÍMOVÁ, Blanka, M. PIKHART, P. POLÁKOVÁ, M. ČERNÁ, S. YILDIRIM YAYILGAN, S. SHAIKH. A Systematic Review on the Use of Emerging Technologies in Teaching English as an Applied Language at the University Level. Systems. 2023, 11 (1), "Article number: 42". ISSN 2079-8954.