
Ing. et Ing. Martin Lněnička, Ph.D.

Ing. et Ing. Martin Lněnička, Ph.D.
Pracoviště: FIM - Katedra informatiky a kvantitativních metod
odborný asistent
Budova: J
Místnost: 93450 3. podlaží

Konzultační hodiny

Út: 09:05-09:50

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Akademické profily

Publikace na UHK

NIKIFOROVA, Anastasija, M. LNĚNIČKA, P. MILIC, M. LUTEREK, MP. RODRIGUEZ BOLIVAR. From the Evolution of Public Data Ecosystems to the Evolving Horizons of the Forward-Looking Intelligent Public Data Ecosystem Empowered by Emerging Technologies. In: 23rd International Conference on Electronic Government (EGOV). Cham: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2024. ISBN 978-3-031-70274-7.

LNĚNIČKA, Martin, P. HERVERT, O. HORAK. Understanding big data and data protection measures in smart city strategies: An analysis of 28 cities. Urban Governance. 2024, 4 (4), 255-273. ISSN 2664-3286.

LNĚNIČKA, Martin, A. NIKIFOROVA, M. LUTEREK, P. MILIC, D. RUDMARK, S. NEUMAIER, K. KEVIC, A. ZUIDERWIJK, MPR. BOLIVAR. Understanding the development of public data ecosystems: From a conceptual model to a six-generation model of the evolution of public data ecosystems. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS. 2024, 94 (October), "Article Number: 102190". ISSN 0736-5853.