
prof. Ing. Vladimír Bureš, Ph.D., MBA

prof. Ing. Vladimír Bureš, Ph.D., MBA
Pracoviště: FIM - Fakulta informatiky a managementu
proděkan FIM pro vědu a výzkum a statutární zástupce děkanky
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Akademické profily

Publikace na UHK

ABOUELAZ, Mona A., BN. ALHASNAWI, BE. SEDHOM, V. BUREŠ. ANFIS-optimized control for resilient and efficient supply chain performance in smart manufacturing. Results in Engineering. 2025, 25 (March), "Article Number: 104262". ISSN 2590-1230.

ELALFY, D.A., E. GOUDA, M. KOTB, V. BUREŠ, B. SEDHOM. Frequency and voltage regulation enhancement for microgrids with electric vehicles based on red panda optimizer. Energy Conversion and Management: X. 2025, 25 (January), "Article Number: 100872". ISSN 2590-1745.

ABOELEZZ, Asmaa M., MM. EL-SAADAWI, AA. ELADL, MI. EL-AFIFI, V. BUREŠ, BE. SEDHOM. Improved protection scheme for shipboard microgrids based on high frequency impedance method with experimental validation. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 2025, 164 (March), "Article number: 110448". ISSN 0142-0615.

ALHASNAWI, Bilal Naji, SMM. ALMUTOKI, FFK. HUSSAIN, A. HARRISON, B. BAZOOYAR, M. ZANKER, V. BUREŠ. A new methodology for reducing carbon emissions using multi-renewable energy systems and artificial intelligence. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2024, 114 (November), "Article Number: 105721". ISSN 2210-6707.

ALHASNAWI, B.N., B. JASIM, A. ALHASNAWI, F. HUSSAIN, R. HOMOD, H. HASAN, O. KHALAF, R. ABBASSI, B. BAZOOYAR, M. ZANKER, V. BUREŠ, B. SEDHOM. A novel efficient energy optimization in smart urban buildings based on optimal demand side management. Energy Strategy Reviews. 2024, 54 (July), "Article Number: 101461". ISSN 2211-467X.

ABOELEZZ, Asmaa M, MM. EL-SAADAWI, AA. ELADL, V. BUREŠ, BE. SEDHOM. A Novel Fault Detection and Location Approach for DC Zonal Shipboard Microgrid Based on High-Frequency Impedance Estimation With IEC 61850 Communication Protocol. IEEE Access. 2024, 12 (March), 36212-36228. ISSN 2169-3536.

IQBAL, Salman, V. BUREŠ, M. ZANKER, M. ABDULLAH, B. TOOTELL. A System Dynamics Perspective on Workplace Spirituality and Employee Behavior. ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES. 2024, 14 (1), "Article Number: 7". ISSN 2076-3387.

KADHEM, B.T., H. SHUHATI, B. ALHASNAWI, V. BUREŠ. Account of additional factors for damping torsional oscillations. Heliyon. 2024, 10 (1), "Article number: e23995". ISSN 2405-8440.

ELALFY, D.A., E. GOUDA, M. KOTB, V. BUREŠ, B. SEDHOM. Comprehensive review of energy storage systems technologies, objectives, challenges, and future trends. Energy Strategy Reviews. 2024, 54 (July), "Article Number: 101482". ISSN 2211-467X.

ZANKER, Marek, B. ALHASNAWI, F. BABIČ, V. BUREŠ, P. ČECH, M. HUSÁKOVÁ, P. MIKULECKÝ, T. NACHÁZEL, D. PONCE, S. IQBAL, B. SEDHOM. Connecting Soft and Hard: An Integrating Role of Systems Dynamics in Tsunami Modeling and Simulation. Sci. 2024, 6 (3), "Article number: 39". ISSN 2413-4155.

DUBRAVOVA, H., V. BUREŠ, L. VELF. Drones as an Example of the Use of Smart Technologies in Cooperation with the State Security Forces in the Context of the Smart Cities Concept in the Czech Republic. In: 2023 International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Science Innovation, iSCSi 2023. Shannon: Elsevier, 2024.

BUREŠ, Vladimír. Editorial to the Special Issue "Systems Engineering and Knowledge Management". INFORMATION. 2024, 15 (7), "Article number: 402". ISSN 2078-2489.

DUBRAVOVA, H., V. BUREŠ. Information and Knowledge Management Methods for the Preparation of New Safety Standards and New Legislation for Use in Smart Cities. In: 20th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2024. "neuveden": Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024. ISBN 978-3-031-68004-5.

ZAKI, M., A. SHAHIN, S. ESKANDER, M. ELSAYES, V. BUREŠ. Maximizing photovoltaic system power output with a master-slave strategy for parallel inverters. Energy Reports. 2024, 11 (June), 567-579. ISSN 2352-4847.

ALHASNAWI, B.N., N. MOHAMMED, B. JASIM, S. ALMUTOKI, H. HATHAL, T. MANDEEL, A. JASIM, R. ABBASSI, V. BUREŠ, B. SEDHOM. Optimal Loads Scheduling Using the Intelligent Optimization Approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Science, ICES 2023. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2024. ISBN 978-0-7354-4808-7.

DUBRAVOVA, Hana, V. BUREŠ, L. VELFL. Review of the application of drones for smart cities. IET Smart Cities. 2024, 6 (4), 312-332. ISSN 2631-7680.

ALHASNAWI, Bilal Naji, BH. JASIM, AM. JASIM, V. BUREŠ, AN. ALHASNAWI, RZ. HOMOD, MRM. ALSEMAWAI, R. ABBASSI, BE. SEDHOM. A Multi-Objective Improved Cockroach Swarm Algorithm Approach for Apartment Energy Management Systems. INFORMATION. 2023, 14 (10), "Article Number: 521". ISSN 2078-2489.

JASIM, Ali. M. M., BHH. JASIM, V. BUREŠ, P. MIKULECKÝ. A Novel Cooperative Control Technique for Hybrid AC/DC Smart Microgrid Converters. IEEE Access. 2023, 11 (February), 2164-2181. ISSN 2169-3536.

ALHASNAWI, Bilal Naji, BH. JASIM, V. BUREŠ, BE. SEDHOM, AN. ALHASNAWI, R. ABBASSI, MRM. ALSEMAWAI, P. SIANO, JM. GUERRERO. A novel economic dispatch in the stand-alone system using improved butterfly optimization algorithm. ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS. 2023, 49 (September), "Article Number: 101135". ISSN 2211-467X.

MLS, Karel, M. KOŘÍNEK, K. ŠTEKEROVÁ, P. TUČNÍK, V. BUREŠ, P. ČECH, M. HUSÁKOVÁ, P. MIKULECKÝ, T. NACHÁZEL, D. PONCE, M. ZANKER, F. BABIČ, I. TRIANTAFYLLOUM. Agent-based models of human response to natural hazards: systematic review of tsunami evacuation. Natural hazards. 2023, 115 (3), 1887-1908. ISSN 0921-030X.