
prof. RNDr. Karel Šilhán, Ph.D.

prof. RNDr. Karel Šilhán, Ph.D.
Pracoviště: PřF - Katedra biologie
Telefon: 493332755
Budova: S
Místnost: 73030 3. podlaží

Akademické profily

Publikace na UHK

KOZÁK, Michal, K. ŠILHÁN. Comprehensive landslide analysis using a tree-ring-based approach. Landslides. 2024, 21 (6), 1425-1437. ISSN 1612-510X.

KOZÁK, Michal, K. ŠILHÁN. Contrasting landslide activity on slopes with different structural geology: evidence from dendrogeomorphic analysis. Landslides. 2023, 20 (9), 1893-1903. ISSN 1612-510X.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. Dendrogeomorphic possibilities for spatio-temporal reconstruction of the relationship between lateral river erosion and movements of destabilized river banks. Catena. 2023, 227 (June), "Article Number: 107139". ISSN 0341-8162.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. Regional flood occurrence in the culmination zone of medium-high mountain ranges by tree-ring based reconstruction: frequency, triggers, dynamics. Science of the total environment. 2023, 905 (December), "Article Number: 166938". ISSN 0048-9697.

ŠILHÁN, Karel, L. PLAVCOVÁ. Anatomy of Pinus mugo var. mugo as a fundament for annual-ring-based dating of debris flows in the alpine zone. Catena. 2022, 217 (říjen), "Article Number: 106504". ISSN 0341-8162.

ŠILHÁN, Karel, I. RUŽEK. Recreationally created footpaths as a means of preserving specific biotopes of bare sand accumulations: Evidence provided by dendrogeomorphic reconstruction. Land Degradation and Development. 2022, 33 (14), 2440-2453. ISSN 1085-3278.

PLAVCOVÁ, Lenka, M. MESZAROS, K. ŠILHÁN, R. JUPA. Relationships between trunk radial growth and fruit yield in apple and pear trees on size-controlling rootstocks. ANNALS OF BOTANY. 2022, 130 (4), 477-489. ISSN 0305-7364.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. The dendrogeomorphic spatio-temporal reconstruction of flow-like landslides activity in one of the most susceptible region of Central Europe (the Vsetínsk´e vrchy Mts.). Dendrochronologia. 2021, 67 (červen), "Article number: 125830". ISSN 1125-7865.

ŠILHÁN, Karel, L. PLAVCOVÁ. The potential of tension wood for the detection of landslide signals in the tree ring series of Fagus sylvatica L.: The extension of dendrogeomorphic tools for landslide analysis. Geomorphology. 2021, 390 (říjen), "Article Number:107864". ISSN 0169-555X.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. The spatio-temporal reconstruction of spoil heap landslide movements using anatomical tree growth responses. Engineering Geology. 2021, 281 (February), "Article Number: 105988". ISSN 0013-7952.

BOGUSCH, Petr, P. HENEBERG, K. ŠILHÁN. What are the main factors limiting the distribution of Bembix rostrata (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) at early-succession sites?. Journal of insect conservation. 2021, 25 (4), 571-583. ISSN 1366-638X.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. Dendrogeomorphology of landslides: principles, results and perspectives. Landslides. 2020, 17 (10), 2421-2441. ISSN 1612-510X.

BOGUSCH, Petr, L. HLAVÁČKOVÁ, K. ŠILHÁN, M. HORSÁK. Long-term changes of steppe-associated wild bees differ between shell-nesting and ground-nesting species. Journal of insect conservation. 2020, 24 (3), 513-523. ISSN 1366-638X.

CHALUPOVÁ, Olga, K. ŠILHÁN, V. KAPUSTOVÁ, V. CHALUPA. Spatiotemporal distribution of growth releases and suppressions along a landslide body. Dendrochronologia. 2020, 60 (April), "Article Number: 125676". ISSN 1125-7865.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. Tree ring evidence of slope movements preceding catastrophic landslides. Landslides. 2020, 17 (3), 615-626. ISSN 1612-510X.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. Tree ring-based estimation of landslide areal reactivation as a fundament of magnitude–frequency assessment. Forests. 2020, 11 (4), 1-15. ISSN 1999-4907.

ŠILHÁN, Karel, J. KLIMEŠ, R. TICHAVSKÝ. The sensitivity of dendrogeomorphic approaches to assessing landslide movements. Geomorphology. 2019, 347 (Prosinec), "Article Number: UNSP 106869". ISSN 0169-555X.

PŘECECHTĚLOVÁ, Hana, K. ŠILHÁN. Tree ring based estimation of landslide block displacement: Evaluation of a new experimental approach. Geomorphology. 2019, 339 (srpen), 104-113. ISSN 0169-555X.

ŠILHÁN, Karel. Tree-ring eccentricity in the dendrogeomorphic analysis of landslides – A comparative study. Catena. 2019, 174 (MAR 2019), 1-10. ISSN 0341-8162.

BOGUSCH, Petr, C. VAN ACHTERBERG, K. ŠILHÁN, A. ASTAPENKOVÁ, P. HENEBERG. Description of mature larvae and ecological notes on Gasteruption Latreille (Hymenoptera, Evanioidea, Gasteruptiidae) parasitizing hymenopterans nesting in reed galls. Journal of Hymenoptera research. 2018, 65 (August), 1-21. ISSN 1070-9428.


Pozice a funkce na pracovišti

2022: Profesor (Ostravská univerzita)

2016 - 2021: Docent (Univerzita Hradec Králové)

2015 - 2019: Vedoucí Katedry fyzické geografie a geoekologie (Ostravská univerzita)

2014 - 2021: Docent (Ostravská univerzita)

2007 - 2014: Odborný asistent (Ostravská univerzita)

Vzdělání, kvalifikace

2020 - 2021: prof. (Environmentální geografie)

2014: doc. (Fyzická geografie a geoekologie; Univerzita Komenského Bratislava)

2007: RNDr. (Fyzická geografie a geoekologie; Ostravská univerzita)

2006 - 2009: Ph.D. (Environmentální geografie; Ostravská univerzita)

2001 - 2006: Mgr. (Fyzická geografie a geoekologie; Ostravská univerzita)

Přehled zaměstnání

2017 - 2019: GAČR (panel 209)

2015 - 2019: Univerzita Hradec Králové

2007 - 2019: Ostravská univerzita