ICTE 2024 and eLearning: Connecting Innovations in Digital Education

From December 3 to 5, 2024, the Faculty of Informatics and Management of the University of Hradec Králové (FIM UHK) hosted two significant international conferences – the 7th International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ICTE) and the 22nd eLearning Conference.
The program offered a wide range of expert contributions and included several key lectures, including a contribution by Prof. Haorana Xie on the topic "Artificial Intelligence for Language Education" and Prof. Lucie Rohlíková on trends in digital education in Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic. Another inspiring presentation was given by Prof. Zehui Zhan on the topic of collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence in the process of innovative problem-solving.
These events attracted experts, academics, and students from around the world to discuss the latest trends in educational technologies and digital learning. "I am always very pleased when I see new teachers enthusiastically talking about new trends in teaching and their efforts to incorporate new technologies into their lessons. It directly encourages one to get involved in their teaching. This applies, for example, to the contribution by Mgr. Michaela Toman titled "Comparison Of The Use Of Virtual Reality In Biology Teaching," stated Professor Blanka Klímová, Vice-Dean for International Relations at FIM UHK and Chair of one of the sections of the eLearning conference.
The discussions further included topics such as the implementation of AI in education, the use of virtual reality to enhance teaching, and data analysis to support at-risk students. During the parallel sessions, scientists and practitioners addressed issues of e-learning, the sustainability of educational innovations, and the future of digital education.
"It is really very important to be able to share experiences and practices with other universities from around the world. Using technology to improve education has become essential lately. And it's great that online learning is coming more and more to the forefront. I was here at the conference five years ago when we focused more on the technologies themselves and how to use them. This year we have progressed further, focusing on how to best utilize technology in practice," evaluated the event Philips Wang from Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
The conferences were organized in collaboration with the University of Hradec Králové and Hong Kong Metropolitan University, with the support of the International Hybrid Learning Society.
For the best contributions, the "Excellent Paper Awards" and "Best Paper Award" were awarded at the end of the conference, highlighting the high professional level of the entire event.
"The conferences have built on a long-standing tradition of gathering enthusiasts for new forms of education at UHK. The first eLearning conference took place in 2002, and it is very pleasant to see that the next generation of university educators approaches innovations and the use of technology in teaching with no less enthusiasm than their teachers," said Professor Petra Poulová, Vice-Dean for Strategy and Development at FIM UHK and the main coordinator of the conferences.
The ICTE and eLearning 2024 conferences once again confirmed their importance as platforms for sharing knowledge and innovations in the field of educational technologies.