Leading economists meet once again in Hradec Králové

For the seventeenth time, the Faculty of Informatics and Management of the University of Hradec Králové hosted the International Scientific Conference Hradec Economic Days on the 5th and the 6th of February 2019.
The Conference kicked-off in the assembly hall of the Building of Common Education and economist Vladimír Tomšík was the first to take the floor. He is a former Vice-Governor of the Czech National Bank and the head of the team of authors who published a book titled 100 Years of the Koruna. He was followed by a very special guest, H. E. Mr Daniel Martin Meron, Israeli Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
The Conference was divided into several parts: Financial Innovations, Industry 4.0 and Current Challenges in a Macro-Economic Context, Business Economics and Corporate Management, Regional Development and Agribusiness, Modern Trends in Corporate and Public Administration, Mathematical Models of Economic Systems and Technology Transfer.
The first day of the Conference was special in that everyone could attend a panel discussion overseen by the Czech National Bank; it focused on 100 Years of the Czech and Slovak Koruna. The already mentioned Vladimír Tomšík was on the panel; he presented the first chapter of the book titled 100 Years of the Koruna: Monetary Policy Milestones. Oldřich Dědek then took the floor. He is a CNB Board member and a former national coordinator for the adoption of the euro. He reflected on the adoption of a single European currency. Jan Filáček was the last to take the floor. He is the Head of the Monetary Policy Strategies and Communication Department, Monetary Department, Czech National Bank. And he also contributed to the book titled 100 Years of the Koruna.
During the course of the evening, the best paper was announced and its author received an award from the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, which is an internationally-based publishing house.
The second day of the Conference saw the following topics being discussed: Technology Transfer, Protection of Intellectual Property and Commercialisation. Technology Transfer lectures and discussions were organised in cooperation with the Technology Transfer Office, University of South Bohemia. Mgr. Martin Duda, a member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Technology Agency, lectured on the technology transfer between Czech universities.
“In my opinion, this year’s Conference was significant particularly in view of the cooperation that is developed by and between universities in both the Czech Republic, like with the University of South Bohemia, and abroad, especially with universities based in Wroclaw and Krakow. I also very much appreciate our long-standing cooperation with the Czech National Bank. It has stood guard over this Conference for the second time,” says Assistant Professor Petra Marešová, the main organiser of the Conference, and she adds: “I personally very much liked the initial lectures and the panel discussion on 100 Years of the Czechoslovak Koruna, which was overseen by the Czech National Bank and which was attended not only by the lay public, but by experts as well. The Technology Transfer lecture was also very interesting. It was one of those topics that mostly highlighted this year’s theme, that being innovation.”