WELCOME MEETING - winter semester 2023/24

Date of Event: 09/18/2023
The new academic year has just begun and it is our pleasure to welcome 68 foreign students.
They come from 4 continents – Asia, North and South America and Europe. Most of the students participate in the Erasmus+ program. It´s great that we can offer a scholarship to 4 students from Thailand who participate in the Erasmus+ Credit Mobility Program.
We organized a welcome meeting on September 14, 2023 where students registered, got the ISIC and welcome bag with a lovely FIM T-shirt. During the presentation they were informed about UHK, FIM, courses, services offered by the university, how to behave gently towards nature - waste sorting, and of course they got information about the Czech Republic and Hradec Králové.
But the best point of the meeting was the raffle – 10 students won useful things – bottles, cups, bags or hat and gloves. Congratulation!
We wish our students a nice stay in Hradec Králové, enjoy it and of course good luck with their studies!