Specification of the department's research focus

The department specializes in the interaction between humans, technology, and digital communication, particularly in the context of organizations transitioning into digital (online) environments. A key emphasis is placed on the integration of digital communication (visual and cognitive perception); the adoption of technology; and online team collaboration.

The primary goal is to support the effective adoption of technologies and innovations within organizations, linking them with the principles of sustainable management, the circular economy, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards. Another important aim is to bridge gaps in the implementation of change. A secondary goal is to disseminate research findings to both the academic and general public through publications in high-quality scientific journals while also providing practical insights for the corporate sector. These practical outcomes may include strategies for managing digital transformation, guidelines for businesses operating in online spaces, recommendations for the economic, secure, and ethical use of technology, and more.

Key Research Areas:

  • Visual and Cognitive Perception in Digital Communication and Organizational Management – Analysis of effective online communication (including marketing), the impact of visual design, and information presentation.
  • Technology Adoption as a Driver of Organizational Change – Mapping technology adoption processes, identifying key barriers and success factors, and developing strategies for effective change management.
  • The Human Factor in Digital Management – Exploring the impact of technology on human resource management, particularly for younger generations; balancing work, education, and personal life; and studying shifts in values, identity, and career trajectories.
  • Team Collaboration and Innovation in AI Environments – Human-AI teaming as a new approach to team management and process optimization; human-AI interaction as a key factor in enhancing productivity and strategic decision-making.
  • Legal, Environmental, and Ethical Aspects of Digital Management – Effective data protection and cybersecurity, circular economy and ESG principles, and contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).