Useful Information

All information about accommodation can be found here.
Health care in the Czech Republic
Insurance of students from EU member states
If you are a citizen of an EU member state where you are insured, you have a statutory right for refund of expenses spent for health care in the Czech Republic. You may be required to pay for the health care to the health care provider at first and then you will be refunded the expenses in the amount which would be paid by your health insurance company in your country.
If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland with which the Czech Republic has signed international treaties on social welfare, you can be treated in the Czech Republic under the same conditions as the Czech citizens and the treatment will be paid by the Czech health insurance company. However, your national public health insurance company must give its consent in advance.
Students coming from these countries are commonly recommended to make a commercial travel health insurance. The travel insurance covers all expenses. The insurance companies themselves solve the refund of expenses.
You, therefore, do not need to spend your money (according to the travel insurance conditions).
Insurance of students from countries out of EU
For students from the third countries, requirements on travel insurance are determined by the EU Visa Code. A valid health insurance is usually one of the conditions of getting the student visa.
If you ask for a visa and residence permit not exceeding 90 days, you are obliged to make a commercial health insurance for your stay in the Czech Republic. Such insurance must cover all expenses you could incur during your stay in the Czech Republic in relation with urgent health care, emergency hospital care, transfer to your home country, or death and repatriation.
The limit of the insurance benefit must be EUR 30,000 at least for one insured event. Always read carefully the information in your insurance contract.
If you ask for a long-term visa exceeding 90 days, long-term residence permit or extension of your residence permit, you must make a commercial health insurance covering comprehensive health care (i.e. comprehensive health insurance for foreigners). This means that you will be provided, without direct payment of treatment expenses, health care aimed at preservation of your health condition it was before you signed the insurance contract. Neither the preventive nor the follow-up health care, nor the health care related to care for a pregnant women and her delivery may be excluded from the insurance.
The limit of the insurance benefit must be EUR 60,000 at least for one insured event.
- We recommend all students to make a comprehensive health insurance for foreigners!
- The Czech government approved legislation requiring foreigners with long-term residence in the country to be insured with the insurer PVZP (Pojišťovna VZP). This is obligatory for all newcomers since August 2, 2021. University of Hradec Kralove cooperates with the PVZP. Here is a link:
Applicants outside the EU who want to study at the Faculty of Informatics and Management must have a visa. After you receive the invitation letter and all other forms from us, you can apply for the visa at the Czech Embassy/Consulate in your home country.
Please note, that the visa procedure is very complex and time consuming, that is why you need to start arranging it immediately. Visa applications must be submitted to the Embassy at least 3 months before the planned arrival.
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