Efficiently with Moodle I

  • FakultaFilozofická fakulta
  • Zahájení30. 1. 2023 08:30



Učebna B2

Lektor: Bc. Josef Ležák


The course aims to introduce the Moodle e-learning system and learn its basic functionalities from the teacher's point of view. During the course, course participants can practically try setting up the course, registering students, adding learning materials, assignments and test tasks, evaluating students and going through the course life cycle. In the end, space will also be devoted to specific questions or other possibilities for working with courses in Moodle.

Školení pro zaměstnance Filozofické fakulty UHK realizujeme v rámci projektu Rozvoj kapacit a adaptace na nové formy učení na UHK, reg. č. NPO_UHK_MSMT-16601/2022. Aktivita: SCA2 –FF KA2 Implementace strategie v oblasti rozvoje distanční, on-line a blended learning výuky