Summer school participants have just ended their course of Czech language, Art and Culture. It has been success!

On 15th August, the Summer school ART and CZECH 2023, held at the Faculty of Education, has been officially finished. All participants have succesfully completed the course of Czech language, art and music. During the recent month, they have discovered interesting places in the Czech Republic, learnt about history and culture of our town and country. They have acquired the Czech language basics, experienced graphic and fine art technologies, learnt to sing a few Czech songs. As conclusion, attendees have received evaluation from their lecturers, shared their experience and provided their feedback. On closing ceremony, the participants of the summer school have been awarded with certificates. They all express positive feedback and consider the Czech republic as pleasant place to spend and explore its culture and history.
On behalf of organizational team we would like to thank you to all lecturers, who have prepared and led courses of the summer school during whole month.
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