In the academic year the Faculty of Pedagogy realizes around 25 study programmes with the number of 127 branches of study. Bachelor´s degree, master´s degree and doctoral study programmes are offered in the full-time and part-time forms.
The programmes are mainly from the spheres of Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy and Social Pedagogy: Specialization in Pedagogy, Upbringing, Special Pedagogy, Pre-School and Off-School Pedagogy, Teaching at Primary Schools and Teaching at Secondary Schools. Teaching at Upper-Primary Schools was newly accredited as a five-year master´s degree programme. The offer of these programmes is completed by study programmes in humanities: Media and Communication Studies and Philology. Nowadays there are 3,873 students at the Faculty.
The Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové offers courses of life-long education, the number of attendants of these courses is higher than 1,300. Courses offered by the University of the Third Age are very popular; more than 600 students are enrolled.
The courses at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové are given by 172 academic employees, out of whom there are 12 professors and 33 associate professors.
The Faculty´s scientific and research activities are developed in several levels. One of them is involvement of the Faculty´s experts into various types of projects – projects supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and projects supported by the Faculty itself (the focus is concentrated on the development of the research potential of young academic employees and on the research and scientific activities of students).
The Faculty´s employees are actively involved in some ESF projects. Publication activities of academic employees are realized within the framework of national and international journals; the University Publishing House “Gaudeamus” successfully publishes reviewed monographs and study materials. The academic staff participate in numerous national and international conferences. The most important event aimed at professional meetings of experts and specialists are EDucational Days held every year during the last week in March. This event has already established its tradition.
The main objective of the Centre of Pedagogical Research is to support scientific and research activities realized by academic employees and students, and to realize other research and publication activities leading to further development of the Faculty´s excellent research.
The development of international relations is considered as an obvious part of the Faculty´s activities. In accordance with the tendency to develop the internationalization of universities and their parts, the emphasis is placed on strengthening and developing of already existing activities in the sphere of the international cooperation and on establishing of new bilateral contacts with the perspectives of the membership in international teams.
The traditional cooperation with numerous institutions of the tertiary level within the framework of the Erasmus Programme (firstly called Socrates/Erasmus, then renamed to LLP – Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus, since 2014 the Erasmus+ Programme) is realized mainly in the form of students´ study stays and internships, teachers´ mobilities and internships of administrative employees. Bilateral agreements have been signed with more than thirty institutions from twenty-one European countries.
The period of the last years is characterized by a more significant development of cooperation with universities located in countries outside Europe, for example with Eastern Michigan University and Georgia College & State University in the United States of America. Students´ exchange study stays are of the highest priority.
The number of international mobilities of students and employees of the Faculty is significantly increasing nowadays: the types of mobilities added to those given above involve mainly mobilities to foreign institutions aiming at the development of the accredited study programmes and research activities and at presentations of results of research and creative activities.