
An integral part of the activities of the Faculty of Education of UHK is also the prestigious artistic activity, which is mainly attended by the staff and students of the Music Department and the Department of Visual Culture and Textile Studies.

The fact that the outputs recorded in the Register of Artistic Outputs (music, fine arts, scenic arts, design, literature) gained 3547 points in 2018 is a testament to the quality of the faculty's artistic creation. The Faculty of Education of the UHK was placed first among the faculties of education of the Czech Republic.

The students of the Department of Visual Culture and Textile Studies of PdF UHK also won a number of awards at competitions such as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in the ČEZ School of Animation in Třeboň within the International Festival of Animated Films or the main prize of the Young Art Show Rooms 2018 (Rooms VII - 7th year of the Young Art Show, Prague).


The recording of artistic activities of the Faculty of Education UHK staff and students is available in the Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV) and is also available in the Personal Bibliographic Database at:


The register of artistic outputs (RUV) can be found on the website of MŠMT