Research and Projects

Dissertation Research Topics

Sustainability Management as a Tool for Long-Term Organizational Competitiveness

This dissertation focuses on developing a long-term sustainability strategy that balances the economic, environmental, and social goals (ESG) of organizations.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marcela Sokolová, Ph.D.

Determinants Influencing Human Resources and Their Impact on Organizational Performance and Job Satisfaction

This research identifies key factors affecting human resource management and their impact on organizational performance and employee satisfaction. It examines aspects such as organizational culture, employee motivation, compensation and evaluation systems, working conditions, training opportunities, career growth, as well as legislative and economic factors.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marcela Sokolová, Ph.D.

Marketing on Social Media and Its Effectiveness

This study aims to identify the factors determining the effectiveness of marketing communication in the corporate sector. The initial phase involves a detailed analysis of communication trends in a selected industry, identifying current trends among companies and consumers. Subsequent phases will focus on factors influencing communication effectiveness. Methodologically, the research will incorporate both traditional qualitative (in-depth interviews, focus groups) and quantitative approaches (surveys, big data analysis), as well as experimental research.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Bachmann, Ph.D.

Building Customer Relationships on Social Media

This dissertation explores modern theoretical and practical insights into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and social CRM (i.e., CRM developed through social networks). The research will focus on identifying customer needs while considering industry-specific characteristics and organizational capabilities. The expected outcome is a comprehensive corporate strategy for customer relationship management, along with the identification of key influencing factors.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Bachmann, Ph.D.

Innovation Driven by Organizational Opportunities, Needs, and Crises

This research focuses on the emergence of research and innovation activities in the corporate sector. Using data available in virtual spaces, it will investigate innovation driven by emerging opportunities (e.g., AI, new technologies, unique combinations of existing solutions), needs (e.g., healthcare or socially disadvantaged groups), and crises (e.g., pandemic, economic downturn). The outcome will include not only the identification of innovation activities within a selected industry but also the factors influencing their development and quality. Methodologically, the study will rely primarily on data collection from social media and text analysis (LDA).
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Bachmann, Ph.D.