
Mgr. et Mgr. Martina Hoffmannová

Workplace: PdF - Department of German Language and Literature
Phone: 493331303
Building: A
Room: 34560 4. floor

Consular Hours

Mo: 07:50-08:35

We: 13:15-14:00

UHK Publications

ŠIMKOVÁ, Eva, M. HOFFMANNOVÁ, L. BARTONÍČKOVÁ, A. DMEJCHALOVÁ, K. KOMÁRKOVÁ. Risk Management in Tourism Destination. Czech hospitality and tourism papers : hotelnictví, lázeňství, turismus. 2022, 18 (36), 4-17. ISSN 1801-1535.

ŠIMKOVÁ, Eva, M. HOFFMANNOVÁ. Znalostní management v cestovním ruchu = Knowledge management in tourism = Wissensmanagement im Tourismus. 1.vyd. Červeny Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2022. ISBN 978-80-7465-566-1.

ŠIMKOVÁ, Eva, M. HOFFMANNOVÁ. Impact of VUCA Environment in Practice of Rural Tourism. In: 19th International Scientific Conference on Hradec Economic Days. Hradec Králové: UHK, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7435-822-7.

DVOŘÁK, Petr, P. HOFFMANN, M. BALÍK, M. HOFFMANNOVÁ, J. KOPECKÝ, R. DVOŘÁKOVÁ, M. NOVÁ. Percutaneous biopsy of retroperitoneal lesions-10 year experience of a single centre. Biomedical papers. 2020, 164 (4), 435-443. ISSN 1213-8118.