Employees Mobility

The University of Hradec Králové has a lot of connections with foreign universities (especially in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia). If you want to gain more experience and deepen your knowledge abroad, we offer opportunities for foreign academics, researchers as well as for administrative staff. Academics have the opportunity to teach our students and get to know our educational system, researchers can join our (international) research teams and non-academic staff can take advantage of training mobility and be inspired by good practice through various forms of cooperation (agreements, research projects, membership in networks, …).

Where to get more information? The main source of information is international offices at our faculties and their websites. Each faculty has its partnerships and the best way to plan your visit is to contact them directly. What are the main possibilities for cooperation?

Erasmus+ Programme

  • Wide partner network within Programme countries.
  • We have been supporting exchanges of university students and staff also within Erasmus+ Partner countries (so-called International Credit Mobility, i.e. a wide range of countries not participating in the standard Erasmus+ Programme) since 2015. We provide incoming foreign students and staff with grants in this scheme too. The specific offer varies every year according to the success of the University's application for funding. An overview of contracts (call 2018) is as follows: Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility.
  • Clear rules and stable documentation process.
  • Funding from the programme resources.
  • UHK regularly organises Erasmus Staff Training Week.

Detailed Programme countries

Detailed Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Mobilities within Cooperation Agreements

  • UHK has a worldwide partner network.
  • Conditions according to the terms of the agreement.

Detailed Cooperation Agreements

CEEPUS Programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies)

  • It is an exchange programme focused on regional cooperation within the network of universities. The CEEPUS Agreement has been signed by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, North Macedonia, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia. The University of Prishtina, Prizren and Peja in Kosovo are participating as well. Check out the website of the programme and find out if your home university is a CEEPUS partner of the University of Hradec Králové and if you could get lectures and intensive courses here.
  • If your university is not a CEEPUS partner of our University you can also join the programme individually (as a freemover).

Fulbright Commission

  • The Fulbright Commission is a Czech-American governmental organization founded with the mission to enhance educational, scientific and cultural exchanges through scholarship programmes and advising and information services.
  • It offers grants for US academics to visit the UHK. 

Other options

  • AKTION is a program to support bilateral cooperation in the tertiary sector throughout scholarships and cooperation projects between the Czech Republic and Austria.
  • DAAD provides information on study and research from Germany.
  • Visegrad Fund. This scholarship supports post-Master students (doctoral programmes or independent research) in all disciplines and in any language for up to two semesters at higher education institutions across Central and Eastern Europe. Post-Master scholars and researchers who are citizens of the Visegrad countries or citizens of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine can apply for funds to do research at UHK.
  • EEA Grants support study visits and project co-operation with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

In addition to the above-mentioned sources of funding you can take advantage of other grants from funds and other institutions that focus on supporting activities related to international cooperation and understanding. When choosing the right option for you, make sure that there are no restrictions on the compatibility of financial support from that particular source with the financial support from other sources. (Especially Erasmus+ Programme wants to avoid double funding from other European sources.) 


Our centre provides information and assistance to researchers who are coming to work in the Czech Republic. We offer practical advice concerning professional and daily life, as well as information on job and funding opportunities. Our service centre help researchers and their families to plan and organize their move to a foreign country, providing assistance in all matters related to mobility. All services provided by the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. More information can be found on EURAXESS Czech Republic.