doc. Stephanie Inge Rudwick, Ph.D.

- Workplace: FF - Philosophical Faculty
- vice-dean for International Affairs at the Philosophical Faculty
- Workplace: FF - Department of Political Science
- associate professor
- E-mail:
- Phone: 493332023
- Building: B
- Room: 22100 2. floor
- Building: B
- Room: 23200 3. floor
- Building: B
- Room: 23240 3. floor
Consular Hours
We: 09:00-09:50
UHK Publications
MAKONI, Sinfree, UA. IDEM, SI. RUDWICK. Decolonizing applied linguistics in Africa and its diasporas: disrupting the center. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. 2024, 21 (3), 285-306. ISSN 1542-7587.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge, A. NWAGBO. Restricted affiliation: the costs of otherness among Afroczechs. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 2024, 47 (15), 3259-3279. ISSN 0141-9870.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge, NJ. SIMUZIYA. African Diasporic Narratives from the Czech Republic. Diaspora Studies. 2023, 16 (3), 264-286. ISSN 0973-9572.
BANGENI, Bongi, N. BANGENI, SI. RUDWICK. Begging for "Authenticity" Language Class and Race Politics in South Africa. In: Southernizing Sociolinguistics, Colonialism, Racism, and Patriarchy in Language in the Global South, New York/Abingdon: Routledge, 2023. ISBN 978-1-03-211375-3.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge, M. SCHMIEDL. 'It's not our problem': Czech online discourse on kneeling in football and Black Lives Matter. Sport in Society. 2023, 26 (10), 1701-1722. ISSN 1743-0437.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge. Language Politics at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. In: Interests and Power in Language Management, Berlin/Bern, et al.: Peter Lang, 2022. ISBN 978-3-631-86061-8.
POSEL, Dorrit, M. HUNTER, SI. RUDWICK. Revisiting the prevalence of English: language use outside the home in South Africa. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 2022, 43 (8), 774-786. ISSN 0143-4632.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge. Englishes and cosmopolitanisms in South Africa. In: Africa in a multilateral World: Afropolitan Dilemmas, New York/London: Routledge, 2021. ISBN 978-1-03-203389-1.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge, T. IRINA, S. ZAMEKA. Politics of Language in COVID-19: Multilingual Perspectives from South Africa. Politikon. 2021, 48 (2), 242-259. ISSN 0258-9346.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge, S. MAKONI. Southernizing and decolonizing the Sociology of Language: African scholarship matters. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 2021, 2021 (267-268), 259-263. ISSN 0165-2516.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge. The Ambiguity of English as a Lingua Franca: Politics of Language and Race in South Africa. 1.vyd. London/New York: Routledge, 2021. ISBN 978-0-367-14355-8.
JEEWA, Sana, SI. RUDWICK. "English is the best way to communicate": South African Indians' student to the relevance of Zulu. Sociolinguistica. 2020, 34 (1), 155-171. ISSN 0933-1883.
HORÁKOVÁ, Hana, SI. RUDWICK. Introduction: Migration and Mobility in and out of Africa. In: Africa on the Move: Shifting Identities, Histories, Boundaries, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2019. ISBN 978-3-643-91174-2.
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge. Language, Class and Racial Mobility in South Africa. In: Africa on the Move: Shifting Identities, Histories, Boundaries, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2019. ISBN 978-3-643-91174-2.