
doc. Mgr. Martin Paleček, Ph.D.

doc. Mgr. Martin Paleček, Ph.D.
Academic Senate of the University of Hradec Králové
Academic Staff Representative, FF
Workplace: FF - Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
associate professor
Phone: 493332016
Building: B
Room: 22210 2. floor

Consular Hours

We: 16:00-17:00

Dear Students,

As we begin the fall semester, I want to ensure that you have the support and guidance necessary for success in your studies. In addition to scheduled office hours, I am offering individual consultations by appointment to accommodate those with scheduling conflicts or who may benefit from more personalized discussions.

To arrange a consultation outside of regular office hours, please email me at least 48 hours in advance, providing your available times and the topics you wish to discuss. This will help us coordinate effectively and allow me to give you the focused attention needed to address your questions or concerns.

I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity, whether you need clarification on course material, guidance on assignments, or advice on your academic development. My goal is to support your learning and growth, and I believe that through open communication and collaboration, we can achieve strong results.

Looking forward to a productive semester and engaging discussions.

Best regards,

doc. Mgr. Martin Paleček, Ph.D.

Academic profiles

UHK Publications

PALEČEK, Martin, V. HAMPEL. Conspiracy Theories and Anxiety in Culture: Why Is Threat-Related Misinformation an Evolved Product of our Ability to Mobilize Sources in the Face of Un-represented Threat?. Philosophy of the social sciences. 2024, 54 (2), 99-132. ISSN 0048-3931.

ARPÁŠ, Róbert, M. BARANOWSKI, Z. BERAN, M. BRZOZOWSKA-BRYWCZYŃSKA, M. HETÉNYI, T. HRADECKÝ, B. JANKOWIAK, A. JERAN, A. KIČKOVÁ, M. KULKOVSKÝ, J. KVĚTINA, P. MATĚJÍČEK, D. MROCZKOWSKA, A. NYMŚ-GÓRNA, M. PALEČEK, B. PINTEROVÁ, M. RIGEL, Ł. ROGOWSKI, V. SIXTA, J. ŠTĚPÁN. Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences Interculturally: A Contemporary Central European Perspective. 1.vyd. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2024. ISBN 978-80-7435-905-7.

PALEČEK, Martin. The ontological turn revisited: Theoretical decline. Why cannot ontologists fulfil their promise?. Anthropological theory. 2022, 22 (2), 154-175. ISSN 1463-4996.

PALEČEK, Martin, T. TÁZLAR. The Limiting of the Impact of Proxy Culture Wars by Religious Sensitivity: The Fight of Neo-Pentecostal Churches against LGBTQ Rights Organizations over Uganda’s Future. Religions. 2021, 12 (9), "Article Number: 707". ISSN 2077-1444.

PALEČEK, Martin. The evolution of ‘culture’: Juggling a concept. Anthropological theory. 2020, 20 (1), 53-76. ISSN 1463-4996.

KREMLÁČEK, Jan, D. MUSIL, J. LANGROVÁ, M. PALEČEK. Neural Correlates of Liberalism and Conservatism in a Post-communist Country. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2019, 13 (April 2019), "ARTICLE NUMBER: 119". ISSN 1662-5161.

PALEČEK, Martin. O kultuře, kulturní antropologii, antropolozích a společenských vědách. Odpověď Nikolovi Balašovi.. Teorie vědy. 2019, 41 (1), 151-175. ISSN 1210-0250.

PALEČEK, Martin. Antropologové v pasti? Mezi přírodou a kulturou. 1.vyd. Červený Kostelec: Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7465-297-4.

PALEČEK, Martin. Modularity of Mind: Is It Time to Abandon This Ship?. Philosophy of the social sciences. 2016, 47 (2), 67-80. ISSN 0048-3931.

PALEČEK, Martin. The Assassination of the Austrian Archduke, Sacred Cows, and the Conundrum of Rules. In: 12 Normativity and Naturalism in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, New York and London: Routledge, 2016. ISBN 978-1-138-93662-1.

PALEČEK, Martin, MW. RISJORD. Ontologický obrat v kulturní antropologii a jeho relativistická příchuť: Co všechno se Grinchovi nepovedlo. Filosofický časopis. 2015, 63 (5), 667-688. ISSN 0015-1831.

UNIVERZITA HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ. Naturalism and Normativity in the Social Sciences. Uspořádal PEREGRIN, Jaroslav, M. PALEČEK, L. KOREŇ, O. ŠVEC. 10.05.2012 - 12.05.2012.

PALEČEK, Martin, M. RISJORD. Relativism and the Ontological Turn within Anthropology. Philosophy of the social sciences. 2012, 43 (1), 3-23. ISSN 0048-3931.

PALEČEK, Martin. Pojem nesouměřitelnosti ve společenských vědách. Filosofie dnes. 2011, 3 (2), 41-52. ISSN 1804-0969.

PALEČEK, Martin. Claude Lévi-Strauss - Překonat okouzlení.. Teorie vědy. 2010, 32 (3), 361-382. ISSN 1210-0250.

UNIVERZITA HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ. Hradecké filozofické dny 1: Pravidla a normativita. Uspořádal PALEČEK, Martin, O. ŠVEC, L. KOREŇ25.09.2010.

PALEČEK, Martin. Naturalizmus versus intepretativizmus ve společenských vědách. Organon F : filozofický časopis. 2010, (3), 303-321. ISSN 1335-0668.

PALEČEK, M.: Phil Hutchinson, Rupert Read, Wes Sharrock: There is No Such Thing as a Social Science: In Defence of Peter Winch (Martin Paleček). Praha 2010.

PALEČEK, M.: Problémy filozofie společenských věd. Kultura a pravidla. 2010.

PALEČEK, M.SKÝBOVÁ, M.: Cognitive Science and Methodology of Social Sciences. 2009.