
Mgr. Jan Prouza, Ph.D.

Mgr. Jan Prouza, Ph.D.
Workplace: FF - Philosophical Faculty
dean at the Philosophical Faculty
Workplace: FF - Department of Political Science
assistant professor
Phone: 493331201, 493332023
Building: B
Room: 22100 2. floor
Building: B
Room: 23020 3. floor
Building: B
Room: 23040 3. floor

Consular Hours

Mo: 14:00-15:00

UHK Publications

ZBÝTOVSKÝ, Jakub, J. PROUZA. Towards “modern” counterinsurgency in Sub-Saharan Africa: lessons learnt from Nigeria and Mozambique. Small Wars and Insurgencies. 2024, 35 (2), 256-283. ISSN 0959-2318.

TICHÝ, Lukáš, J. PROUZA, V. ŠMOLÍK, Y. YAHAYA. Is the EU perceived and recognised as an actor in international relations? The case of EU-Nigeria energy relations. Extractive Industries and Society. 2022, 10 (June), "Article Number: 101056". ISSN 2214-790X.

SCHMIEDL, Martin, J. PROUZA. Conditions of External Military Interventions in African Internal Conflicts: Complexity of Intensity, Social Dislocation and Raw Materials. Central european journal of international and security studies. 2021, 15 (2), 24-55. ISSN 1802-548X.

TICHÝ, Lukáš, J. PROUZA. Je Evropská unie energetický aktér ve vztazích s vybranými zeměmi subsaharské Afriky?. Mezinárodní vztahy. 2018, 53 (3), 9-31. ISSN 0323-1844.

FIALA, Vlastimil, J. PROUZA, P. SKALNÍK. Politické stranictví v západní Africe (Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso a Kamerun). 1.vyd. Ústí nad Orlicí: Oftis, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7405-411-2.

STRMISKA, Maxmilián, J. PROUZA. Turning to history, appraising diversity and recasting democratization studies: some proposals. Journal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 2017, 25 (2), 255-270. ISSN 2573-9638.

EZEMENAKA, Kingsley Emeka, J. PROUZA. Biafra’s Resurgence: State Failure, Insecurity and Separatist Agitations in Nigeria. Central european journal of international and security studies. 2016, 10 (3), 157-178. ISSN 1802-548X.

PROUZA, Jan, J. HORÁK. Small but Substantial : What Drives Ghana´s Contributions to UN Peacekeeping Missions?. Central european journal of international and security studies. 2015, 9 (2), 204-226. ISSN 1802-548X.

PROUZA, Jan. Dopad etnicity na volby a politické strany: příklad Ghany. In: Teoretické a metodologické problémy výzkumu politických stran Afriky, Asie, Latinské Ameriky a Oceánie, Ústí nad Orlicí: Oftis, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7405-149-4.

PROUZA, Jan. Elections in Lusophone and Hispanophone Africa: Cape Verde, Mozambique and Eqautorial Guinea. Journal of Ibero-American studies. 2011, 3 (2), 9-17. ISSN 1803-7887.

PROUZA, Jan. Ghana : volby, politické strany a stranictví. 1.vyd. Olomouc: Periplum, 2010. ISBN 978-80-86624-59-4.

PROUZA, Jan. Selection of candidates in the main political parties. In: Africanists on Africa : current issues, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2010. ISBN 978-3-643-10682-7.

OUTLÝ, Jan, J. PROUZA, L. LINEK, F. RIGEL, P. REZEK. Navrhování a výběr kandidátů. Politické strany v ČR a ve střední Evropě. 1.vyd. Olomouc: Periplum, 2009. ISBN 978-80-86624-52-5.

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