Consular Hours
Academic profiles
UHK Publications
RUDWICK, Stephanie Inge, M. SCHMIEDL. 'It's not our problem': Czech online discourse on kneeling in football and Black Lives Matter. Sport in Society. 2023, 26 (10), 1701-1722. ISSN 1743-0437.
SCHMIEDL, Martin. On Current Armed Insurgencies in the Sahel and the Role of Climate Change: Merging Political Ecology and Environmental Security. Czech Journal of International Relations. 2023, 58 (3), 73-98. ISSN 2788-2985.
SCHMIEDL, Martin, J. PROUZA. Conditions of External Military Interventions in African Internal Conflicts: Complexity of Intensity, Social Dislocation and Raw Materials. Central european journal of international and security studies. 2021, 15 (2), 24-55. ISSN 1802-548X.
SCHMIEDL, Martin. Důvody Nigeru k účasti na intervenci v Mali: heterarchie v oblasti Sahelu/Sahary a regionální bezpečnost. Politické vedy. 2019, 22 (3), 164-191. ISSN 1335-2741.
SCHMIEDL, Martin. Mobility of Values and Standpoints towards Democracy: South Africa's Fragile Democracy?. In: Africa on the Move: Shifting Identities, Histories, Boundaries, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2019. ISBN 978-3-643-91174-2.
SCHMIEDL, Martin, V. ŠMOLÍK. Post-konfliktní Rwanda: Země tisíce kopců v šedé zóně mezi demokracií a autoritářstvím?. Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2017, 9 (1), 55-74. ISSN 1802-0364.
from 2017:
Executive Editor of journal Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society
from 2015:
PhD Student
Work Experience
Ass. Lecturer at DUCAS, Dalarna University
from 2017:
Executive Editor of journal Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society
Teaching Experience
Supervisor of bachelor and master theses - Dalarna University