
Mgr. Tomáš Zuščák, Ph.D.

Workplace: PřF - Department of Mathematics
assistant professor
Phone: 493332842
Building: S
Room: 74160 4. floor

Consular Hours

Mo: 10:45-11:30

Tu: 09:35-10:25

We: 11:35-12:20

UHK Publications

DEHGHANI, Mohammad, E. TROJOVSKÁ, T. ZUŠČÁK. A new human-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for solving optimization problems based on mimicking sewing training. Scientific reports. 2022, 12 (1), "Article Number: 17387". ISSN 2045-2322.

BAZAYKIN, Yaroslav, D. BEDNAŘÍK, V. BORŮVKOVÁ, T. ZUŠČÁK. On a Certain Generalized Functional Equation for Set-Valued Functions. Mathematics. 2020, 8 (12), "Article Number: 2243". ISSN 2227-7390.

ZUŠČÁK, Tomáš. Oscillators and their usefulness in foreign exchange trading. In: 35-th International Confernce Mathematical Methods in Economics. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7435-678-0.

ZUŠČÁK, Tomáš. Problémové úlohy ve výuce geometrie. Matematika, fyzika, informatika : časopis pro výuku na základních a středních školách. 2013, 2013 (4), 241-249. ISSN 1210-1761.

ZUŠČÁK, Tomáš. The efficiency of incentives to make a fixed-term contract. In: ICMIBI 2013 (2013 International Conference on Management Innovation and Business Innovation). Singapore: Singapore management and sports science institute, 2013. ISBN 978-981-07-5034-3.

ZUŠČÁK, T.: Jan Sobotka - Inspirace po stu stolech. Hradec Králové 2008.



from 2013: head of the section of Financial and Insurance Mathematics

from 2008: assistant professor of the 2nd grade

2003 - 2008: assistant professor of the 1st grade

2000 - 2003: assistant

Education and Qualifications

2000 - 2008: Charles University, Prague

1993 - 1998: University of Education, Hradec Kralove

Work Experience

from 2000: University of Hradec Kralove, Department of Mathematics

Teaching Experience

Financial mathematics 1-4

Introduction to Mathematical Economics

Basics of mathematical modeling

Geometry 2-3


Research Activities

from 2019: RT Mathematics an applied informatics

2017: IRP