
RNDr. Josef Dolejš, Ph.D.

Workplace: FIM - Department of Informatics and Quantitative Methods
assistant professor
Phone: 493332273
Building: J
Room: 93280 3. floor

Consular Hours

Mo: 16:40-17:40

Academic profiles

UHK Publications

DOLEJŠ, Josef. Database of Age Trajectories of Mortality in 110 Countries and Web Application: Data Report. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022, 10 (JUL), "Article Number: 911589". ISSN 2296-2565.

DOLEJŠ, Josef, H. HOMOLKOVÁ. Why does child mortality decrease with age? Modeling the age-associated decrease in mortality rate using WHO metadata from 25 countries.. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021, 9 (August), "Article Number: 657298". ISSN 2296-2360.

DOLEJŠ, Josef, H. HOMOLKOVÁ. Why Does Child Mortality Decrease With Age? Modeling the Age-Associated Decrease in Mortality Rate Using WHO Metadata From 14 European Countries. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2020, 8 (october), "Article Number: 527811". ISSN 2296-2360.

MAREŠOVÁ, Petra, J. DOLEJŠ, H. MOHELSKÁ, LK. BRYAN. Cost of Treatment and Care for People with Alzheimer's Disease: A Meta-Analysis. Current Alzheimer research. 2019, 16 (14), 1245-1253. ISSN 1567-2050.

MAREŠOVÁ, Petra, J. DOLEJŠ, K. KUČA. Call for a Uniform Strategy of Collecting Alzheimer's Disease Costs: A Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease. 2018, 63 (1), 227-238. ISSN 1387-2877.

POKLADNÍKOVÁ, Jitka, P. MAREŠOVÁ, J. DOLEJŠ, A. PARK, B. WANG, X. GUAN, F. MUSIL. Economic analysis of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment. 2018, 14 (December), 3053-3061. ISSN 1178-2021.

ŠTEMBERK, Josef, J. DOLEJŠ, P. MAREŠOVÁ, K. KUČA. Factors Affecting the Number of Visitors in National Parks in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION. 2018, 7 (3), 1-10. ISSN 2220-9964.

DOLEJŠ, Josef, H. HOMOLKOVÁ, P. MAREŠOVÁ. Modeling the Age-Associated Decrease in Mortality Rate for Congenital Anomalies of the Central Nervous System Using WHO Metadata From Nine European Countries. Frontiers in neurology. 2018, 9 (JUL), 1-10. ISSN 1664-2295.

DOLEJŠ, Josef. Modeling Human Mortality from All Diseases in the Five Most Populated Countries of the European Union. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 2017, 79 (11), 2558-2598. ISSN 0092-8240.

DOLEJŠ, Josef, P. MAREŠOVÁ. Onset of mortality increase with age and age trajectories of mortality from all diseases in the four Nordic countries. Clinical interventions in aging. 2017, 12 (1), 161-173. ISSN 1178-1998.

FERKO, Alexander, O. MALÝ, J. ORHALM, J. DOLEJŠ. CT/MRI pelvimetry as a useful tool when selecting patients with rectal cancer for transanal total mesorectal excision. Surgical endoscopy. 2016, 30 (3), 1164-1171. ISSN 0930-2794.

MAREŠOVÁ, Petra, M. PROCHÁZKA, J. DOLEJŠ. Ensuring of health care services in the Hradec Kralove region. In: The 27th IBIMA conference on Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth. New York: IBIMA, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9860419-6-9.

DOLEJŠ, Josef. Single Parameter of Inverse Proportion between Mortality and Age Could Determine All Mortality Indicators in the First Year of Life. Journal of theoretical biology. 2016, 2016 (397), 193-198. ISSN 0022-5193.

DOLEJŠ, Josef. Age Trajectories of Mortality from All Diseases in Five Countries of Central Europe During the Last Decades. Biodemography and social biology. 2015, 61 (1), 40-64. ISSN 1948-5565.

FERKO, Alexander, J. ORHALMI, T. DUŠEK, M. CHOBOLA, E. HOVORKOVA, D. HADZI NIKOLOV, J. DOLEJŠ. Small carcinomas involving less than one-quarter of the rectal circumference: local excision is still associated with a high risk of nodal positivity. Colorectal disease. 2015, 17 (10), 876-881. ISSN 1462-8910.

MAREŠOVÁ, Petra, H. MOHELSKÁ, J. DOLEJŠ, K. KUČA. Socio-economic Aspects of Alzheimer´s Disease. Current Alzheimer research. 2015, 12 (9), 903-911. ISSN 1567-2050.

DUŠEK, Tomáš, A. FERKO, M. BLÁHA, L. DUŠEK, D. MALÚŠKOVÁ, J. ORHALMI, J. DOLEJŠ, M. VOŠMIK. Současný stav strategie léčby karcinomu rekta v České republice s ohledem na výskyt kompletní patologické odpovědi při neoadjuvantní léčbě - studie PATOD C20 2011-2012. Rozhledy v chirurgii. 2015, 94 (7), 276-282. ISSN 0035-9351.

DOLEJŠ, Josef. Age Trajectories of Mortality from All Diseases in the Six Most Populated Countries of the South America During the Last Decades. Bulletin of mathematical biology. 2014, 76 (9), 2144-2174. ISSN 0092-8240.

DOLEJŠ, Josef. Economic statistics.

UNIVERZITA HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ. Proceedings in Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference. Uspořádal DOLEJŠ, Josef, F. VONDRUŠKA. 03.09.2012 - 07.09.2012.