The candidate for the position of the UHK Rector has been elected: physicist Jan Kříž

At its meeting today, the Academic Senate of the University of Hradec Králové (AS UHK) elected Assoc. Prof. Jan Kříž as the candidate for the position of Rector. Out of 23 valid votes, he received 17, surpassing the required 13 votes for election. He will lead the university from 2024 to 2028.
The current Rector, the internationally recognized toxicologist Kamil Kuča, will conclude his mandate in June next year after two four-year terms. "I assume that the new Rector, Assoc. Prof. Kříž will take office on July 1, 2024. The candidate for the Rector's position must first be appointed by the president of the Czech Republic, followed by a ceremonial inauguration. I am deeply convinced that Jan Kříž is an excellent choice, and the university will be in the best hands under his leadership. In general, these were very dignified and high-quality rectoral elections because both candidates have the best qualifications and are significant and competent personalities in the life of the university," the current head of the university, Kamil Kuča evaluates the election.
I highly appreciate what both previous Rectors have done for our university. I want to be a visible Rector for whom students are equal partners, and the quality of teaching is an absolute priority. We have a lot of work ahead, it won't be an easy period, but I firmly believe that we will continue to succeed in creating a university that is an attractive brand for prospective students and a benefit to our entire society.
"Even though we were opponents in the election and, to some extent, rivals, I am grateful for the level of today's discussion that preceded the election. It confirmed that even though we may differ in opinions, we realize that we are still one university and must pull together, otherwise, we won't succeed," concludes Jan Kříž.
Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Jan Kříž, Ph.D. *1974
A native of Hradec Králové, a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University. He specializes in quantum-mechanical systems and mathematical methods in physics and focuses on working with talented youth in the field of physics through European and world Olympiads. Currently, in his second term, he leads the Faculty of Science UHK, previously serving as the Vice-Dean for Creative Activities and also as the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development UHK. He serves as a city councilor in Hradec Králové. He is married and has two children.