UHK Students, News, Employees 10/04/2024

The UHK Rectorate celebrated its 20th anniversary with guided tours and a historical exhibition

Author: Tereza Makovská, OPaK

The University of Hradec Králové proudly marked a significant milestone—the 20th anniversary of the opening of its renovated Rectorate building. This historically valuable structure, located on Rokitanského Street in the center of Hradec Králové, serves as the university's administrative center and is also a protected cultural heritage site with a rich history dating back to the 14th century.

insigniaOn October 2, 2024, the general public and university staff celebrated this anniversary. The diverse program included guided tours of the premises led by the Head of UHK Archive Mgr. Sylva Sklenářová, Ph.D. Visitors were given a glimpse into the unique spaces of the Rectorate, such as the Rector’s office with displayed insignia, the meeting room, the Vice-Rector’s office with a historical fresco, the back courtyard, and the original Gothic cellar. The program also featured an exhibition tracing the historical development of Building No. 62, which has been listed as a cultural monument since 1964.

exhibitionThe building, which has undergone several reconstructions, was originally a bourgeois house. Between 1858 and 1898, it was a girls' school run by the Notre Dame School Sisters. From 1910 to 2001, various institutions were located here, including a Boys' Reform School for Less Gifted and Mildly Mentally Impaired Boys, a Student Home for Pupils of Special Schools, a Children's Reception Home, and a Children's Diagnostic Institute.


In 2001, the city of Hradec Králové donated the building to the University of Hradec Králové, which opened the Rectorate here three years later. Today, the Rectorate ensures the strategic and administrative management of the university.