The University of Hradec Králové is the best Czech university in an international university ranking

Times Higher Education has published the results of the International European Teaching Ranking 2019. The University of Hradec Králové placed top from among Czech higher education institutions in the European competition when it took 101st to 125th position.
“This ranking is special in that it is based on an anonymous survey conducted among university students. And it appears we have received a truly excellent school report from our students,” Kamil Kuča, the University Rector, comments on the results.
The ranking uses fourteen indicators, including how happy students are with the quality of university education, with the learning environment and the quality of engagement. Other interesting performance indicators include links to the labour market, the proportion of international students or the gender balance of students and academic staff.
“The anonymous survey has been designed to collect information that is essential for students and their families in making their decision about which school to pick. I think that the excellent ranking achieved by the independent student survey confirms that the University of Hradec Králové has become a very attractive brand for both Czech and international students,” comments Zdeněk Beran, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs.
The University of Hradec Králové placed highest from among Czech universities, followed by Mendel University in Brno at the 126th to 150th rank. The Czech Agricultural University in Prague, Pardubice University and the Technical University in Liberec all took between 151st to 200th place in the rankings.
The rankings show that even a smaller regional university can compete with larger and more traditional universities by adopting an individual approach to its students and academic staff. Many ranking systems are set up to favour larger universities with their incomparably higher number of staff and students, which produces more research and more graduates. “We have managed to prove here at the UHK that we are capable and willing to devote our time and effort for the benefit of our students. I am very pleased that the students have appreciated our approach in the survey,” Kamil Kuča, the Rector of the University, concludes.