Publicity and Communication Department
The Publicity and Communication Department is responsible for the media image, communication and marketing strategy and public relations at the University of Hradec Králové.
The Publicity and Communication Department ensures communication and response to journalists' questions and manages social networks and other university communication channels. It organizes university-wide events, such as the University Sports Afternoon, UHK Student Ball, Researchers' Night, etc. It oversees the observance of the Unified Visual Style of the University and creates university promotional and information materials.

UHK Website, Social Media, Online Marketing
Mgr. Matyáš Strnad, PhD
International marketing specialist
Building A – 32462
e: matyas.strnad@uhk.cz
t: +420 493 332 921, +420 734 745 568

Social Media, Online Marketing
Bc. Tereza Makovská
Social media specialist
Head of the Publicity and Communication Department
Rectorate – 81110
e: tereza.makovska@uhk.cz
t: +420 493 332 514, +420 732 105 900

Press Contact
Mgr. Jakub Novák, MPA
Spokesman and Chancellor
Head of Rector's Office
Rectorate – 82010
e: jakub.novak@uhk.cz
t: +420 493 332 504, +420 608 153 996

Organization of university events, Coordination of promotional items and candidate activities, Partnerships and collaborations
Mgr. Tereza Vaníčková
Candidate events coordinator and Event Specialist
Building A – 32462
e: tereza.vanickova@uhk.cz
t: +420 493 332 929, +420 734 403 552

Questions about the unified visual style, Consultation of graphic designs, Print coordinator
Jan Spurný
Graphic designer
Building A – 32462
e: jan.spurny@uhk.cz
t: +420 493 332 923, +420 703 150 088

Anna Kotková
PR Specialist
Building A – 32462
e: anna.kotkova.3@uhk.cz
t: +420 493 332 924, +420 792 338 239
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