Smart Furniture

Faculty of Science UHK

Project Description

The goal of the project is to create a system for detecting stress and fatigue using sensors placed in pieces of furniture such as office chairs, beds, or sofas. This is so-called "Intelligent Furniture", smart furniture, with a significant added value - the furniture sensors provide data that can be transformed into information about persons´ conditions (their heart rate, respiratory rate, activity, etc.) using created algorithms. By creating and applying more complex algorithms, the level of stress or fatigue can be determined. The designed system is expected to be used both in the home environment (where there is an obvious increase in the sales of wearable devices due to the users´ increased interest in information about their physiological conditions) as well as in the commercial environment (a lot of companies increasingly care for their employees, their aim is to increase stress prevention and maximize the effectiveness of their work). Compared to the currently used system that, due to a limited battery capacity, cannot monitor the users accurately and for a long time, our system will provide more detailed information about the users specifying their state of fatigue and pain. A part of the solution will be a connection to a sensory system with the ability to control the actuators in the environment, thus enabling the environment to respond to the human condition, ideally leading to stress reduction.

Currently, basic versions of algorithms are available to evaluate data from bedside sensors that provide pulse, heart rate, and activity detection.

There is also a complete design of the sensory system architecture for placement in the environment and SW to control the system, i.e., the collection of data from sensors in the environment and control of the controls.

Project supervisor