PřF Zahraničí, Konference a přednášky 14. 2. 2022

Sputtered TiO2 nanorod arrays for DSSC applications (přednáška)

Datum konání: 1. 3. 2022 09:00, Místo: Budova S - místnost S10, Hradecká 1285

Katedra fyziky Přírodovědecké fakulty UHK zve všechny zájemce na přednášku 

Sputtered TiO2 nanorod arrays for DSSC applications


Lijian Meng

Centre of Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Technology
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, IPP, Portugal


The preparation of titanium oxide nanorod arrays by magnetron sputtering method are described. The dye-sensitized solar cells were assembled using the prepared nanorod arrays as photoanode. The effects of nanorod parameters on the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cells were discussed.

 Profesor Lijian Meng

Lijian Meng 

Professor Lijian Meng received his Ph. D. in 1994 from University of Minho, Portugal. He worked in Department of Physics, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal, as a lecture (1994–1998), an associate professor (1998–2010) and a qualified full professor (2010–now). He also worked in the physics center of University of Minho as a researcher since 2005. His research work is focused on fabrication and characterization of semiconductor thin films.