About Us
The Department of Slavonic Studies implements Bachelor's fields of study in Russian Language Focused on Education and Foreign Languages for Tourism - Russian Language, follow-up Master’s fields of study in Teacher Training for the 2nd Stage of the Primary Schools and Teacher Training for Secondary School with the Specialization in the Russian Language and Literature and Master's study programme Teacher Training for the 2nd Stage of the Primary Schools with the Specialization in the Russian Language and Literature.
The research is oriented comparatively in the linguistic and literary field, reflecting current trends in the Russian language compared with the other Slavic languages. The research of the department in literature focuses on transmedial and translingual works in the contemporary Russian literature and the reception of the Russian literature in the Czech environment. In the field of didactics of the Russian language, the department focuses on current trends in teaching Russian as a foreign language and on the involvement of didactic techniques in teaching.
The department organizes the international conference of Dialogue of Cultures and publishes the professional journal Philologia Rossica.
In addition to domestic workplaces concerning Russian studies, the department develops the cooperation with the Silesian University in Katowice and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, with the Comenius University in Bratislava, with the Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen and with the Moscow Pedagogical State University.
KRJL students leave for monthly, two-month and semester mobilities for studies/traineeships in Moscow (Moscow Pedagogical State University, Institute for Humanities and Information Technology, Institute of Russian Language of A. S. Pushkin), Krasnodar (Kuban State University) and Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhegorod Dobroljubov Linguistic University).
The department co-organizes the competition regional round Ars Poetica - Pushkin Memorial and participates in the organization of the international event Total Dictation. The student theatre group Inspiration, which annually prepares a performance in Russian for the public, operates at the department.
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