About the Faculty

About the Faculty
The Faculty of Science (FoS) of the University of Hradec Králové was established on 1 September 2010. Not only future science teachers but also chemists, toxicologists, physicists, biologists, mathematicians and IT experts study at the youngest faculty of the university. The Faculty of Science offers a wide range of Bachelor´s, follow-up Master´s and Doctoral study programmes in Biology, Chemistry, Informatics and Mathematics. It also provides rigorous procedures at the Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Applied Cybernetics and Department of Physics. The Department of Physics is entitled to carry on habilitation procedures in the field of Didactics of Physics. The Department of Applied Cybernetics is entitled to carry on habilitation procedures and procedure for the appointment of a professor in the field of Information and communication technologies in education. Lecturers of the Faculty of Science also provide a significant part of the science education to students of the Faculty of Education and the Philosophical Faculty as well as they provide training to talented young people.
More about studying at FoS UHK
Modern Background, Top Equipment
Although our Faculty does not have a long history our basic and applied research began to grow soon after it had been established. Therefore it was our priority to provide new laboratories with advanced instruments equipment. Moreover, at the beginning the Faculty of Science was scattered in different buildings throughout the city, which meant considerable inconvenience especially for the students studying two subjects. A new building of the Faculty of Science started to be built in the spring of 2015. The construction work was completed in October 2016 and in December of the same year the Faculty started moving in. Starting the summer semester 2017 all departments of the Faculty of Science have been located on the University Campus Na Soutoku in Building S. There you can find 24 classrooms, 23 laboratories, a computer room, relaxation zones or two atriums.
Faculty without Borders
We have accomplished to establish new contacts and cooperation with foreign institutions so that our students and teachers can also study abroad. Thanks to student or traineeship mobility programmes our students take the opportunity to study in different countries of Europe: Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Lithuania or Norway, or outside Europe: in Brazil, Korea, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, Russia and others.
Science and Research
Since education goes hand in hand with scientific research at all universities we have also taken on considerable scientific challenges since the very beginning. We are very proud of many projects of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR), projects of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR), a project of the Czech-Polish cross-border cooperation, projects of Norway Grants and many others including international ones, e.g. the International Visegrad Fund. Our Faculty also cooperates with many partner universities, secondary and elementary schools, and companies and businesses.
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