PřF News 06/30/2023

...and yet it spins | Let´s Play Using Your Brain

Looking for an amazing combination of science and fun? Then, the Na Soutoku Campus on June 22 and 23 was the place you definitely shouldn't have missed.

The Faculty of Science of the University of Hradec Králové came to life during the two-day popular science event "Let´s Play Using Your Brain" - this time experiencing "and yet it spins". These days, the Václav Havel Square turned into a flourishing laboratory full of fascinating tests and experiments that attracted curious minds of all ages and encouraged their interest in science!

Among the wide range of activities you could experience, for example, playful mathematics full of puzzles and ciphers, the fascinating world of ionizing radiation in the fog chamber and the mystery of X-ray radiation. A popular show with liquid nitrogen and the Leidenfrost phenomenon were not missed either.

Every year, "Let´s Play Using Your Brain" event becomes a place where enthusiastic teachers not only from the UHK but also from other partner schools and organizations gather so as to offer an insight into interesting scientific projects and experiments available to the public.

The Hradec Králové Observatory and Planetarium literally "shone" among the participants who enthusiastically took the opportunity to look into the far reaches of space. Many other schools took part in the event and contributed with their stands full of fascinating demonstration experiments, among them the Bishop Grammar School of Bohuslav Balbín, Hradec Králové, the First Private Language Grammar School in Hradec Králové, the J.K. Tyl Grammar School, Hradec Králové, the Secondary Medical School in Hradec Králové, the F.M. Pelcl Grammar School in Rychnov nad Kněžnou and the Vocelova Secondary School and Vocational School Hradec Králové.

We must not forget to thank the Children and Youth Centre in Hradec Králové, the Special Pedagogical Centre for Visually Impaired Children in Hradec Králové and the House of Foreign Cooperation for their participation and support. Thanks to all of them we were able to show everyone that science is fun!

We are happy for you to have entered this wonderful world of discovery and excitement with us. We also hope we encouraged your curiosity and love for knowledge.

If you couldn't visit us this year, we are looking forward to seeing you next year at the 15th annual Let´s Play Using Your Brain. And what topic can you be looking forward to? Let yourself be surprised!

All information can be found on Facebook Hrajme si i hlavou.