PřF News 05/15/2024

Biologist Alena Myslivcová Fučíková elected as a candidate for the dean of the Faculty of Science at UHK

Today, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of the University of Hradec Králové has elected a candidate for the position of dean for the 2024-2028 term. She is RNDr. Alena Myslivcová Fučíková, Ph.D., who emphasizes transparent leadership, development of study programmes and support for science and research. Her ambition is also to strengthen the role of the faculty in the field of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

The current Dean, physicist Jan Kříž, is leaving his position as dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Hradec Králové ( PřF UHK) after five years because he has been elected as a candidate for the position of rector. "I am truly happy that the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science has elected Dr. Myslivcová Fučíková as the next dean of the Faculty of Science. Especially in the last two years, she has shown the entire UHK that she is not afraid of great challenges. I think that our faculty needs fresh wind and new ideas for further direction. Alena's personality promises all this. Her election programme written from the heart shows a clear desire to overcome the current difficult problems with the joint efforts of the entire Faculty of Science," Jan Kříž expresses his enthusiasm.

RNDr. Myslivcová Fučíková, Ph.D. is ready to assume the role of dean with a vision of dynamic development and innovation.

I am very happy that I have been trusted by the faculty and that I can help with its further development in the coming years. I am looking forward to all this, it is a wonderful challenge.

Alena Myslivcová Fučíková

elected candidate for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Science, UHK

"I believe that many of the things included in my election programme will be achieved. I look forward to cooperation with my colleagues and I hope that after four years the Faculty of Science will be a strong, proud, open faculty and sought after by students even more than it has been so far," adds the newly elected candidate for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Science, UHK.

RNDr. Alena Myslivcová Fučíková, Ph.D. *1983

She graduated in biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University in Hradec Kralove and completed her PhD studies in molecular pathology at the Faculty of Military Health at the University of Defence. In addition to being in charge of the Department of Experimental Biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Kralove, she also holds the position of Vice-Dean for Strategy, Development and Legislation. Since 2022, she has also been a member of the Rector's Advisory Body in the area of sustainability. She specializes in protein mass spectrometry and microplastics research. In her spare time, she enjoys rock climbing and volleyball.