PřF News, Conferences & Events 05/21/2024

"Mathematics is my passion," remarked Associate Professor Baláž at Faculty of Science UHK

Associate Professor Vladimír Baláž from the SUT in Bratislava visited the Faculty of Science at the University of Hradec Králové (PřF UHK) as part of the Erasmus program to share his expertise and knowledge in mathematics. He delivered a lecture on ideal convergence, discussed the importance of motivation, and emphasized the value of international collaboration. His approach and enthusiasm inspired both students and academics, underscoring that when you love what you do, you experience life with joy.

The Faculty of Science at the University of Hradec Králové had the honor of welcoming Associate Professor RNDr. Vladimír Baláž, CSc., from the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Associate Professor Baláž visited the faculty as part of the Erasmus program to share his experiences and knowledge in the field of mathematics.

Associate Professor Baláž is the author of numerous scientific articles and also a co-author of a book on the renowned Slovak mathematician, Professor Tibor Šalát. “He was a wonderful person, an excellent teacher, and a brilliant scientist who taught us so much. We decided to write this book to honor his memory and share his legacy with the broader public,” said Associate Professor Baláž.

During his visit to the PřF UHK, Associate Professor Baláž gave a lecture on ideal convergence, one of the key topics of his research. His explanation of complex mathematical concepts was not only comprehensible but also inspiring to all present.

Mathematics is my passion. I must say, when you love what you do, you don’t even realize whether you are working or having fun. Therefore I am experiencing my whole life with joy.

doc. RNDr. Vladimír Baláž, CSc.

One of the key topics highlighted by Associate Professor Baláž was the importance of motivation and maintaining a passion for mathematics. “Students should engage with mathematics out of love and primarily for their own fulfillment, not merely for grades or evaluations. They should not be discouraged if things do not go as planned,” he advised students and young researchers. He also emphasized that while not every student will have a natural affinity for mathematics, the role of the teacher is crucial in inspiring and motivating students.

“When students see that you are genuinely interested in them, they begin to take an interest in your subject. It’s a form of feedback,” he explained. “If a student encounters difficulties, it is important to consult with them, understand their challenges, and work together to find a solution. This approach fosters a positive relationship, leading to greater student engagement,” added Associate Professor Baláž. This method is essential for successful education and sustaining interest in studies.

International collaboration and knowledge sharing were primary reasons for Associate Professor Baláž’s visit to Hradec Králové. During his lecture, he extended an invitation to students from PřF UHK to participate in the Erasmus program at his home university in Bratislava. Interested students can reach him via email at vladimir.balaz@stuba.sk.

His experiences and advice will undoubtedly inspire many students and academics, not only at PřF UHK.