Timetable (preliminary)
1/5/2018 Arrival
Solving formalities. Meeting at 11:30 near the entrance to the building S
Solving formalities. Meeting at 11:30 near the entrance to the building S
S1 9:00 Opening
S1 9:10-10:40 D. Oskorbin Lattice Point Geometry: Pick's Formula and Minkowski's Theorem
S48 10:50-12:20 A. Kotov Short introduction to Differential Geometry (for students not familiar with DG)
S1 9:00 Opening
S1 9:10-10:40 D. Oskorbin Lattice Point Geometry: Pick's Formula and Minkowski's Theorem
S48 10:50-12:20 A. Kotov Short introduction to Differential Geometry (for students not familiar with DG)
S1 10:00-11:30 N.I. Zhukova Construction foliations with a countable set of compact leaves-attractors on the 3-sphere
S48 11:40-13:10 A. Kotov Short introduction to Differential Geometry (for students not familiar with DG)
S1 10:00-11:30 N.I. Zhukova Construction foliations with a countable set of compact leaves-attractors on the 3-sphere
S48 11:40-13:10 A. Kotov Short introduction to Differential Geometry (for students not familiar with DG)
S1 9:00-10:30 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks I
S1 9:00-10:30 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks I
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry I
S1 10:35-12:05 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks II
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry I
S1 10:35-12:05 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks II
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry II S1 10:45-12:15 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology I
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry II S1 10:45-12:15 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology I
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry III
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks III
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry III
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks III
S1 9:00-10:30 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology II
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks IV
S1 9:00-10:30 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology II
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks IV
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry IV
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks V
S1 9:00-10:30 D.V. Alekseevsky Intorduction to Neurogeometry IV
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks V
S1 9:00-10:30 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology III
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks VI
S1 9:00-10:30 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology III
S1 10:45-12:15 Z. Škoda Quotient spaces, orbifolds and stacks VI
S6 9:00-10:30 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology IV
S6 10:45-12:15 M. Grigoriev TBA
S6 9:00-10:30 Ya. Bazaikin Introduction to Computational and Applied Topology IV
S6 10:45-12:15 M. Grigoriev TBA
23/5/2018 S6 10:00-12:00 Talks by students
24/5/2018 S6 10:00-12:00 Talks by students
28-30/5/2018 TBA