UHK Students, Research, News, International 09/25/2024

Ph.D. Summit 2024

Date of Event: 10/13/2024–10/15/2024 17:59, Author: Matyáš Strnad, OPaK UHK

The University of Hradec Králové organizes a specialized course for new students in the first year of doctoral studies (in Czech and English programs), both full-time and combined. The course will be conducted in Czech with English materials.

Course schedule  Lecturers  Registration

The university offers its first-year Ph.D. students a tailored course for their needs and orientation in all new information at the beginning of their academic careers. 

Apart from advice and guidance from senior researchers and specialists in science, students get the opportunity to build up their academic network by interacting with their peers from other faculties. 

Course schedule

Sunday, October 13

Time Program Lecturer
15:00–15:30 Introduction of the course, Introduction of participants Mgr. Kateřina Cidlinská, Ph.D.
15:30–17:00 Teambuilding activities Ing. Martina Janečková
17:00–17:30 Coffee break  
17:30–18:30 Information from the guide for new Ph.D. students at UHK Ing. Veronika Hrůzová
18:30–19:30 Dinner  

Monday, October 14

Time Program Lecturer
8:00–9:00 Breakfast  
9:00–9:20 Introduction UHK rector, UHK vice-rector
9:20–10:05 Ethics in academia Mgr. Lukáš Vízek, Ph.D.
10:05–10:50 Where to find information and how to work with it; Databases Mgr. Barbora Kubátová, Ph.D.
15:50–11:10 Coffee break  
11:10–12:10 OBD Radek Vejvoda
12:10–13:10 Project preparation + Grant schemes of the Czech Republic/EU/world Mgr. Michal Strobach, Ph.D.
13:10–14:10 Lunch  
14:10–15:30 Preparation of professional publications prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D.
15:30–16:15 Selecting journals prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D.
16:15–16:45 Coffee break  
16:45–17:30 Science promotion, networking, ranking Mgr. Matyáš Strnad
17:30–18:30 Technology Transfer – Introduction Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
18:30–19:00 Quiz Mgr. Matyáš Strnad
19:00–20:00 Dinner  

Tuesday, October 15

Time Program Lecturer
8:00–9:00 Breakfast  
9:00–13:00 Workshop Academic Career Planning + Evaluation of science in the Czech Republic and standards in the world Mgr. Kateřina Cidlinská, Ph.D.
10:30–11:00 Coffee break  
13:00–14:00 Lunch  
14:00–17:00 Informal leisure activity with senior doctoral students  


Ing. Veronika Hrůzová

Veronika has been working at the University of Hradec Králové for five years, currently as the Head of the Science and Knowledge Transfer Office. In the past, she was mainly involved in managing international projects. Now she provides support to the Vice-Rector for Science, Research and Knowledge Transfer, cooperates in the implementation of tasks resulting from the Strategic Plan of the University of Hradec Králové, and holds the role of secretary in the "Competition for postdoctoral positions at the University of Hradec Králové for the years 2024-2026".

Recently, she has started to work more intensively with PhD students and their supervisors, which is a great challenge for her. She perceives the need to push this area more at the university. In order to delve more into this issue, she has enrolled in a PhD programme at the Faculty of Informatics and Management at UHK. And since her heart is in human resource management, the field she started in after graduating from the University of Pardubice, her topic is Generation Z in the labour market.

 Kateřina Cidlinská

Mgr. Kateřina Cidlinská, Ph.D.

Katerina is an alumnus of FSV UK and a researcher in the fields of sociology, higher education studies, and gender studies. Her research topics are working conditions in academia, academic careers, exits from academic career, gender inequalities in academia and professional identities.

She founded and coordinated mentoring program for early-career researchers, presided European network of mentoring programs in academia EUMENT-NET and Czech Ph.D. Students Association ČAD.


Mgr. Lukáš Vízek, Ph.D.

Lukáš Vízek works at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science UHK. He educates pre-service mathematics teachers at the level of secondary school.

In his research, he focuses on geometry education. He identifies ways to develop students' conceptual and procedural understanding and their flexibility in solving geometric problems. His work includes experimental teaching of selected mathematical topics and collaboration with teachers at schools and with colleagues at Czech and foreign universities.

Thanks to a Fulbright-Masaryk scholarship, Lukáš Vízek was awarded a research fellowship at Harvard University in the United States of America.

He works as the vice-chairman of the Academic Senate of the University of the Hradec Králové and chairman of the Ethics Committee of the University of Hradec Králové.

Mgr. Barbora Kubátová, Ph.D.

In 2014, Barbora Kubátová obtained a master's degree in Cultural History. After graduating she worked as a librarian and a proofreader.

Today, she is employed at the University of Hradec Králové as a Specialist in Electronic Information Sources and manages the library of the Philosophical Faculty. Her other job is to mediate the purchase of scientific databases and to teach students how to work with these digital resources. In 2022, she completed PhD in Modern History with her work on self-presentation techniques and the transformations of family memory. Last year she participated in a work internship at the University of Granada.

In her spare time, she loves to travel, NYC, her dog, books, garden, and crafts leather.

Mgr. Michal Strobach, Ph.D.

Michal Strobach has been Vice-Rector for Strategy, Development and Digitization at the University of Hradec Králové (UHK) since 2022, where he is responsible for the strategic direction of the university, digitalization processes, and sustainable development projects. His experience in project management and coordination is very wide – from 2019 to 2022, he was the head of the project department at the Faculty of Arts at UHK, where he managed important investment projects such as building renovations and the development of laboratories. He has been an active project manager since 2011. His experience includes the coordination of many national and international projects, including those financed from European funds, such as OP VK, OP VVV, OP JAK, Interreg CZ-PL, or Erasmus+. He has been actively involved in technology and knowledge transfer, collaborating with application partners. His expertise also focuses on the preparation and management of projects in science and research, project activities and administration.

In his academic education, he received his PhD in Czech and Czechoslovak history from the UHK in 2015, where he specialized in military history and the post-war period of Czechoslovakia. He completed his Master's degree at the Faculty of Education at UHK in the field of teaching for secondary schools. He also holds a PRINCE2® certification for project management. He has rich experience in higher education, science and research, international cooperation and technology transfer.

 Pavla Matulová

Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

A graduate of the BUT Faculty of Civil Engineering in Brno, followed by a doctoral study in the field of materials engineering and informatics and management.

For several years she worked in science and research in the field of development of new building materials and components. She worked at the South Moravian Innovation Center (JIC) for 10 years, where she specialized in active support of innovation potential in developed companies. It focuses on technological, social and environmental innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking and open innovation through smart specialization and the promotion of technical and applied research.

She has knowledge of the innovation and research environment of the Czech Republic and abroad. It deals with the evaluation of research projects depending on the degree of applicability in technology transfer, negotiations with the application sphere on the possibilities of using the results of science and research, including an analysis of the company’s innovation potential. Consulting and advisory activities in the field of grant consulting. She works in the field of
consulting and strategy for intellectual property protection.

She is currently focusing on projects related to cultural and historical heritage.

Prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D.

Kamil Kuča is a scholar who has held professorial positions and served as an invited or adjunct faculty member at esteemed academic institutions worldwide (Czech Republic, China, USA, Brazil, Malaysia, Slovakia, Spain). His research encompasses diverse areas within pharmacology and toxicology, drug design and discovery, medical device development, pharmacoeconomics, food science, technology transfer, chemical and biological threat assessment, and military research. He has served as a principal investigator or team member on numerous national and international projects funded by prestigious organizations such as GACR, IGA MZ, MSMT, EU, and NATO.

Professor Kuča published several hundred scientific articles, holds several patents, and serves as a scientific advisor to technology companies, further demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.

Radek Vejvoda

Radek is a long-time employee of the University of Hradec Králové (UHK), where he has worked since 2013. He started his professional career at the Faculty of Science of the University of Hradec Králové, where he worked at the Department of Studies and the Department of Science and Research. During three years he specialized in the agenda of Ph.D. students, administration of internal faculty grants of Specific Research and also managed the Personal Bibliographic Database (OBD) at the faculty level. An important part of his work was to ensure the validity of reported publication outputs, which are essential for evaluation as well as for faculty presentation.

In 2016, he became the university administrator of the OBD, where his main task is the coordination and university-wide management of publications and applied outputs. His work also includes providing analytical data for faculty and university-wide evaluation, which is key to national evaluation by the Council for Science, Research and Innovation (RVVI). In addition, he records and addresses requirements related to global publication databases such as Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus. He ensures the migration of data from these databases to the internal systems of the UHK.

Ing. Martina Janečková

Martina is a fourth-year doctoral student in the field of Information and Knowledge Management at the Faculty of Informatics and Management UHK, and she is also newly appointed as the Coordinator of Doctoral Schools at UHK. Her main focus in her studies, research, and career is knowledge sharing. This topic fascinates her, whether it's the influence of informal and formal sharing on motivation and satisfaction, knowledge systems in organizations, or interactive teaching methods. That's why she sees great potential and value in developing the doctoral school, whose goal is to connect students/PhD candidates with each other, enabling the sharing of acquired knowledge and best practices, as well as the joys and challenges of doctoral studies.

In addition to university activities, she is actively involved in studying and teaching yoga. She enjoys spending her free time in nature, and her hobbies include dancing, climbing, swimming, cycling, and generally outdoor activities.

 Matyáš Strnad

Mgr. Matyáš Strnad

Matyáš is a doctoral student in Political Science – Latin American Studies at the Department of Political Science, Philosophical Faculty UHK, and International Marketing Specialist at the UHK Publicity and Communication Department. He is a specialist in electoral participation, its determinants and differences at particular levels (direct democracy institutions, elections to representative bodies at the national/local level, etc.) and Latin American countries.

He is currently researching the impact of urbanization on political participation in the largest Latin American cities. Thanks to his employment at UHK, he also gained expertise in promoting the outputs of scientific and creative activities, especially concerning external audiences through social networks and traditional media.

Recently, he participated in the international conference EUPRIO with the subtitle “Science Communication: how to engage nowadays”.


The deadline for registration is set for October 1, 2024

Registration form

Contact person: Ing. Jana Kukáková

E-mail: jana.kukakova@uhk.cz

Tel.: +420 493 332 927