University of Hradec Králové Explores Partnership Expansion with Oslo Metropolitan University through Innovative Bootcamp Project

Another meeting of representatives of the University of Hradec Králové with representatives of the Oslo Metropolitan University took place from 9 to 12 October 2023. This time within the Framework of the UHK Bootcamp project number EHP-BFNU-OVNKM-4-214-01-2022. This project is a follow-up to the project The Technology and Knowledge Transfer based on Norway – Czech Cooperation number EHP-CZ-ICP-2-006, which resulted in the confirmation of interest in further cooperation between the two partners by signing a Letter of Intent.
From the management of UHK, Rector Prof Kuča, Vice-Rector for Science and Creative Activities Prof Krejcar, and Vice-Rector for Studies and Quality Prof Marešová participated in this meeting.
The aim of the meeting was to get acquainted with the concept of the OsloMet Bootcamp, which is regularly organized by the OsloMet. The focus of the OsloMet Bootcamp is on the development of spin-offs and the effective transfer of technology and knowledge from academia to business and industry. Thanks to the very good cooperation between UHK and OsloMet, the meeting was very friendly and open. Technology transfer specialists from OsloMet shared their experiences with UHK representatives. The aim was to learn as much as possible about the Oslomet Bootcamp concept and to clarify the possibilities of transferring this concept
to the UHK, and in a broader context to the environment of Czech universities. The content of the individual workshops and their aim, including the teaching materials, were also discussed.
Prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D. and Ing. Tereza Otčenášková, BA, Ph.D., participated in OsloMet Bootcamp as researchers who have the potential to commercialize their results. During the workshop, they had the opportunity to discuss their questions with OsloMet's technology and knowledge transfer experts, which was a huge benefit for them.
The programme was designed to correspond to the OsloMet Bootcamp educational blocks:
- Innovation in Academia;
- Matchmaking and introduction in various teams to explore opportunities and get access to a network of other founders, experts, actors in the startup;
- Entrepreneurial Mindset & Team Design;
- Thinking & Value Proposition;
- SWOT & Pitch.
The aim of these sessions was to learn the methodology of scalability of products and services, to evaluate and exploit new opportunities, and to build start-up teams that are built to withstand a difficult initiation period. Instructors also shared learning materials with UHK staff.
The following two workshops were directly focused on the organization of the UHK Bootcamp:
- Implementation of UHK Bootcamp and dissemination activities;
- Design services of Bootcamp according to the target group and its dissemination within the university environment, including marketing.
During these workshops, representatives of the UHK consulted with the lecturer on the methodology of the UHK Bootcamp, including the specific form of the programme. The process of selecting candidates, recruiting external lecturers and experts, and the costs of the UHK Bootcamp were also discussed.