UHK Bootcamp

In recent years, when UHK cooperates with OsloMet, it has become clear that the two universities have many common themes. Interest in cooperation was confirmed by the Letter of Intent, which was signed in June 2022. The proposed activities contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations between UHK and OsloMet.
UHK Bootcamp
Project number: EHP-BFNU-OVNKM-4-214-01-2022 |
Duration: 01/01/2023–30/06/2024 |
Partner institution: Oslo Metropolitan University (OsoMet) |
Prime investigator: University of Hradec Králové (UHK) |
The maximum amount of the grant: 425 334 CZK |
UHK started cooperation with OsloMet in 2018 and in 2020 the cooperation was deepened with the project “The technology and knowledge transfer based on Norway-Czech cooperation”. This project is a follow-up and complementary to the above-mentioned project. As part of the previous cooperation, the management of UHK got acquainted with the Bootcamp concept, regularly organized by Simula Research Laboratory OsloMet and Simula Garage OsloMet, a technology and knowledge transfer incubator for early-stage technology-intensive start-ups and spin-offs, with the purpose of providing a working and breathing space for entrepreneurs to transform ideas into successful businesses. The content of the Bootcamp is focused on the development of spin-offs and effective technology transfer and transfer of knowledge. Thanks to the fruitful cooperation in the past years, mutual cooperation has proven to be very interesting for both universities, and thanks to the trust that both institutions have built, there is a unique opportunity to bring from Norway this holistic support concept spin-off designed as a Bootcamp for the transfer of technology to the environment Czech universities. The aim of this project is to enable UHK representatives to participate in the Bootcamp organized at OsloMet and subsequently share their experience with Norwegian partners with the aim of transferring this concept to the Czech university environment.
The main goal of the project is to strengthen human capital and knowledge in the Czech Republic and Norway within the framework of technology transfer. By implementing this project, the partners will contribute to the overall objectives of reducing economic and social disparities within the European Economic Area and strengthening bilateral relations between Czech education and Norwegian education in the field of technology transfer and intellectual property protection and spin-off settings. Results at the bilateral level and cooperation will lead to improved mutual knowledge and understanding, and the partnership will have a significant impact on wider cooperation. Cooperation between UHK and OsloMet will definitely deepen with this project.
Financed from EEA/Norway Funds 2014 – 2021.
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