OA support at the UHK
Open Access support APC
The UHK is part of the CzechElib project. Within the framework of this project, it can draw free tokens that allow Open Access publishing (hereinafter referred to as the OA) without the Article Processing Charges (hereinafter referred to as the APC).
For 2025, the UHK has obtained the following numbers of free tokens for publishing in OA mode with the following publishers:
Publisher |
Annual number of tokens |
ACM Open | Unlimited |
Cambridge UP Read and Publish | Unlimited |
De Gruyter Read and Publish | 2 |
Sage – deep discount* | Unlimited |
Taylor and Francis Read and Publish | 4** |
Wiley | 5 |
*Researchers can publish in hybrid journals at a flat APC price of GBP 200 and in OA journal at a 20% discount. Eligible journals are listed in the Informative List of Journals with free/reduced OA publishing on the CzechELib website.
**The number of tokens in 2024-2025 is assumed to be similar to 2023 but may be adjusted depending on any changes to the Methodology for Allocation of Tokens/APCs/Articles in Read & Publish Licensing Agreements, where 2023 pricing is available at the institution level, with possible revisions for subsequent years (up to 2027).
Conditions for the use of free UHK tokens for publishing in the OA mode:
- The author must publish under the UHK affiliation;
- The use of the free token must be approved by the Vice-Rector for Science and Creative Activities and the relevant Vice-Dean for R&D.
Procedure for using free UHK tokens for publishing in the OA mode:
- For ACM Open and Cambridge UP Read and Publish publishers, the number of tokens is unlimited; their use is thus not subject to approval by the UHK.
- With Taylor and Francis Read and Publish, you can express interest in publishing in hybrid journals in the OA mode as soon as your article is accepted for publication. The publisher will then pass on the information that if you choose to publish in the OA mode, the APC for your article may be covered by the transformation contract. You will then confirm this decision when you complete the Author Journal Publishing Agreement which you will receive from the publisher along with the decision to accept the article for publication. This will then be followed by approval from the UHK. If the UHK rejects your application, you will receive an email from the publisher rejecting your token for free publication with a proposal for further funding options. The number of tokens is limited. We recommend that you discuss the possibility of using the token internally at your faculty in advance.
- In case of hybrid journals with DeGruyter Read and Publish, you can express your interest in OA publishing when you submit your article. If your article is accepted for publication and the UHK agrees to use the token, your article will be published in the OA mode. If the UHK rejects your application, you will have to pay the APC yourself or publish classically under subscription (paid access to the publisher/journal website). De Gruyter also offers the possibility to publish with a 20% discount on the APC for Gold OA journals. Once the tokens are used, the 20% discount also applies to hybrid journals.
- With Wiley, you can express your interest in publishing in hybrid journals in the OA mode when your article is accepted for publication. After confirming your affiliation and choosing the Creative Commons license, you will be offered the option to use the transformation agreement to cover the cost of the article. This will be followed by approval from the UHK. If the UHK rejects your request, the publisher will contact you and offer you to publish traditionally (the article will be behind a paywall) or pay the APC directly if you still want to publish in the OA mode.
More information can be found on CzechElib
Open Access Publishing
Vice-Rector's Instruction No. 09/2023
University Repository DSpace
The University Repository DSpace is a central system for keeping records of publishing activities of the UHK employees and students. It is a Web open source application. The DSpace system is linked to the PBD (Personal Bibliographical Database) and reports on publishing activities that can be provided in the Open Access mode. Records are classified according to the faculty affiliation. The repository records are publicly available to all Internet users.
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