Databases and e-sources

Licensed resources and databases provided to registered Library users are intented for study and research purposes only. They can be used in a standard way through the tools offered by the selected resource.
Online catalogue
Databases and e-sources
Scientific databases
- Web of Science
- Scopus
- ACM Digital Library Open
- SAGE Journals
- ScienceDirect
- Taylor & Francis – SSH Library and Mathematics and Statistics Collection
- De Gruyter Journals
- Cambridge Journals
- Gale E-books
- Wiley
DART – Europe E-theses Portal - theses and dissertations from 28 European countries
- - theses and dissertations from Czech universities and from UHK (after 1.1.2015)
e-VSKP - theses and dissertations from UHK defended between 2006-2014
National Pedagogical Library - interface only in Czech
Czech literary science - interface only in Czech
Bibliography of Czech history - interface only in Czech
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