Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP

Hradec Spring Tech 4 TTCAMP is part of the project Technology Transfer Together based on partnership with the University of Granada and the Technical University of Kosice, 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078313, is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.
Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP will allow participants to delve deeper into technology transfer. Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP participants will have the opportunity to meet real experts in the field of technology transfer and thus acquire unique knowledge and competencies. In addition, the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP will contribute to their practical skills training. The participants will get acquainted with the advanced principles of technology transfer and founding spin-off companies.
They will master the principles of proof of concept and commercialization in science and research. Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP participants will be awarded the Certificate of Attendance to confirm the obtained technology and knowledge transfer skills.
Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP is a fantastic way of improving knowledge of the above-mentioned topic in an engaging atmosphere. It is a great opportunity to meet lots of new people from all over Europe. Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP offers the perfect combination of exciting, memorable, safe, and educational experiences.
The primary target group of the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP are doctoral students, young scientists, and academics. The applicants must have a professional interest in the area of technology transfer.
Program Lecturers Accommodation Selection procedure Financing Contacts
11. 04. 2023 | Tuesday | Rectorate
time | program | lecturer |
14:00–15:00 | Get to know | Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (UHK) |
15:00–17:00 | Technology Transfer at UHK | prof. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D. (UHK) |
17:00–18:00 | Dinner | |
19:00–22:00 | Informal program |
12. 04. 2023 | Wednesday | Rectorate
time | program | lecturer |
9:30–10:00 | Coffee break | |
10:00–12:00 | Strengthening the funding ability within EU programs | Ing. Tomáš Pavlik, MSc., PhD. (TUKE) |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00–14:00 | On technology transfer in UGR – Some examples of spin-offs | Prof. Enrique Herrera-Viedma (UGR) |
14:00–16:00 | Commercialization, spin-off | prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D., Mgr. Michaela Vetterlová (UHK) |
16:00–18:00 | Guided tour of Hradec Králové | |
19:00–22:00 | Informal program – Brewery tour |
13. 04. 2023 | Thursday | Faculty of Informatics and Management, room J6
time | program | lecturer |
9:30–10:00 | Coffee break | |
10:00–12:00 | HED – Multiplier Event | |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00–14:00 | Technology Transfer – Promoting know-how and research | Mgr. Matyáš Strnad (UHK) |
14:00–15:00 | Intellectual property | Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (UHK) |
15:00–15:30 | Coffee break | |
15:30–16:00 | Informal program: Coffee tasting – a journey from cultivation to a cup | |
16:00–18:00 | Valuation | RNDr. Ing. Jaromír Zahrádka, Ph.D. (VŠCHT) |
18:00–19:00 | AI opportunities and challenges in the context of Knowledge Transfer support in Norway | prof. Anis Yazidi (Oslo Metropolitan University) |
19:00–22:00 | Social event |
14. 04. 2023 | Friday | Faculty of Informatics and Management, room J6
time | program | lecturer |
08:00–08:30 | Coffee break | |
8:30–9:00 | Technology Transfer within a multinational company | Ing. Tomáš Černický, Ph.D. (SeneCura) |
9:00–10:00 | Accompanying program – Laboratories involved in Technology Transfer at UHK (Presentation of Proof of Concept) | Ing. Richard Cimler, Ph.D. (UHK) |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:30–12:30 | HED – Technology transfer networking workshop | |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch | |
14:00–16:00 | Assessment of feasibility | RNDr. Ing. Jaromír Zahrádka, Ph.D. (VŠCHT) |
16:00–18:00 | Informal program: Petrof tour | |
19:00–22:00 | Informal program |
15. 04. 2023 | Saturday | Faculty of Informatics and Management, room J6
time | program | lecturer |
10:00–12:00 | Summary of the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP – highlights | Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (UHK) |
12:00–14:00 | Lunch |
The program may be subject to change.

Ing. Pavla Matulová, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
A graduate of the BUT Faculty of Civil Engineering in Brno, followed by a doctoral study in the field of materials engineering and informatics and management. For several years she worked in science and research in the field of the development of new building materials and components. She worked at the South Moravian Innovation Center (JIC) for 10 years, where she specialized in the active support of innovation potential in developed companies. It focuses on technological, social, and environmental innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, and open innovation through smart specialization and the promotion of technical and applied research. She has knowledge of the innovation and research environment of the Czech Republic and abroad. It deals with the evaluation of research projects depending on the degree of applicability in technology transfer, negotiations with the application sphere on the possibilities of using the results of science and research, including an analysis of the company's innovation potential. Consulting and advisory activities in the field of grant consulting. He works in the field of consulting and strategy for intellectual property protection. He is currently focusing on projects related to cultural and historical heritage.
Mobile phone: +420 606 637 106
Title of the presentation: Intellectual property (IP)
Outline of the talk: Intellectual property is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. There are many types of intellectual property, and some countries recognize it more than others. The best-known types are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. The aim of the lecture is to provide an overview of the possibilities of intellectual property protection, and to state suitable strategies, including practical examples.
prof. Ing. Ondřej Krejcar, Ph.D.
A full professor in systems engineering and informatics at the University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Informatics and Management, Center for Basic and Applied Research, Czech Republic; and Research Fellow at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 2008 he received his Ph.D. title in technical cybernetics at the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. He is currently a Vice-Rector for science and creative activities at the University of Hradec Kralove since June 2020. At present, he is also a director of the Center for Basic and Applied Research at the University of Hradec Kralove. At the University of Hradec Kralove, he is a guarantor of the doctoral study program in Applied Informatics, where he is focusing on lecturing on Smart Approaches to the Development of Information Systems and Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
Title of the presentation: Technology Transfer at UHK
Outline of the talk: University has two faculties from all four, which are also focused on technology transfer and the application of knowledge to companies. Support of TTO is centralized at the rectorate office, where mainly process support is done in the view of administration, law, and economy. Apart from process support, the rectorate takes care of centralized projects, which allows researchers at the faculty level to ask for a financial budget for their ideas which can be developed into the Proof of Concept stage with relevant applied output.
- Study/Education
- Education at bachelor and master level and IP
- Ph.D. students VS researchers
- Research and Development
- Projects and creation of IP, outputs for commercialization,
- Strategy for commercialization – publish or patent or know-how licensing
- Added value for better education – knowledge transfer into university – students
- Knowledge transfer
- For society (students)
- Licencing/Spin-offs

Mgr. Matyáš Strnad
Matyáš is a doctoral student in Political Science – Latin American Studies at the Department of Political Science, FF UHK, and International Marketing Specialist at the UHK Publicity and Communication Department. He is a specialist in electoral participation, its determinants, and differences at particular levels (direct democracy institutions, elections to representative bodies at the national/local level, etc.) and Latin American countries. He is currently researching the impact of urbanization on political participation in the largest Latin American cities. Thanks to his employment at UHK, he also gained expertise in promoting the outputs of scientific and creative activities, especially concerning external audiences through social networks and traditional media. He completed several professional trainings concerning Science Communication on social and other media, e.g., the international conference EUPRIO with the subtitle "Science Communication: how to engage nowadays". He is currently the main administrator and content creator for the websites and social media of the University of Hradec Králové.
Title of the presentation: Technology Transfer – Promoting know-how and research
Outline of the talk: The activity introduces the basic typology of media AND the communication of scientific outputs to different audiences. It establishes the particularities of information transmission in 21st-century media (traditional and new – social networks). Participants will gain know-how on effective and socially beneficial (and responsible) communication of science in the online environment.
Ing. Tomáš Pavlik, MSc., PhD.
Title of the presentation: Strengthening the funding ability within EU programs
Outline of the talk: In the first part, the participant will learn tips on how to independently search for a call for proposal for their purpose. At the same time, an overview of calls for funding research and innovative solutions will be presented. A sample application that was successful in applying for a grant will also be presented. The second part will be dedicated to the students' independent work in groups on a real call for proposal with the aim of inducing entrepreneurship in the participant and developing the ability to participate in the calls of international EU programs built in this way. During this part, the facilitator will consult with the participants on the preparation of the proposal so that they gain insight and the correct methodology for developing such an application.

Enrique Herrera Viedma
Enrique Herrera-Viedma (Fellow, IEEE) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Granada, Granada, Spain, in 1993 and 1996, respectively. He is a Professor of Computer Science and the Vice-President of Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Granada. His H-index is 68 with more than 17 000 citations received in the Web of Science and 85 in Google Scholar with more than 29 000 cites received. His current research interests include group decision-making, consensus models, linguistic modeling, information aggregation, information retrieval, bibliometrics, digital libraries, Web quality evaluation, recommender systems, and social media. Dr. Herrera-Viedma has been identified as one of the Worlds Most Influential Researchers by the Shanghai Center and Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics in both computer science and engineering in 2014–2018. He is currently the Vice-President for Publications at IEEE SMC Society and an Associate Editor of several journals, such as the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS, Information Sciences, Applied Soft Computing, Soft Computing, Fuzzy Optimization, and Decision Making, and Knowledge-Based Systems.
Title of the presentation: On technology transfer in UGR: Some examples of spin-offs
Outline of the talk: Process to support technology transfer at UGR and cases of successful spin-offs at UGR.
Ing. Tomáš Černický, Ph.D.
After graduating in 2007, he worked in various design and construction company positions. In 2015, he became the technical and sales director at GrandPark, this company provided residential social services for clients with dementia. Since 2017, he has been working at the international company SeneCura, first as the director of two nursing homes for seniors and now for the last 3 years as a technical director. In his position, he is also responsible for innovation.
Title of the presentation: Technology Transfer within a multinational company
Outline of the talk: SeneCura, which currently operates 17 nursing homes for seniors with approximately 2,400 beds in the Czech Republic, has received a bit grant from the Technical Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) in cooperation with the University of Hradec Králové. This grant deals with the use of modern technology in the care of seniors with dementia. The article will address the issue of implementation of research results in the environment of an international corporation.

Ing. Richard Cimler, Ph.D.
Title of the presentation: Side visit - Laboratories involved in Technology Transfer at UHK (Presentation of Proof of Concept)
Outline of the talk: Introduction: Center of advanced technology; Remote vital functions monitoring; Cooperation with commerce – case study with Senecura senior centers.

prof. Ing. Kamil Kuča, Ph.D.
Is a professor, an Invited or adjunct professor/scholar at different institutes around the world – University of Defense (Brno, Czech Republic), Nanjing Agricultural University (Nanjing, China), University Hospital Hradec Králové (Hradec Kralove, Czech republic), Florida International University (Miami, USA), University of Hradec Králové (Hradec Králové, Czech republic), Institute of Military Engineering (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), Yangtze University (Jingzhou, China), University Technical Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Technical University Kosice (Kosice, Slovakia) and University of Granada (Granada, Spain).
His research interests are pharmacology and toxicology, drug design and discovery, medical device development, pharmacoeconomics, technology transfer, chemical and biological threats, military research, etc.
He was/is the principal investigator or team member on numerous national and international projects (GACR, IGA MZ, MSMT, EU, NATO, etc.). He has many active cooperators worldwide (e.g. Korea, India, Croatia, United Arab Emirates, China, Spain, Malaysia, and Brazil). His H-index is over 50, and his number of citations in WoS is over 15 000. In 2021, he was among the HIGHLY CITED RESEARCHER (Clarivate Analytics). He has five patents. He is a scientific advisor of several techs.
Title of the presentation: Commercialization, spin-off
Commercialization is the process of introducing a new product to the market. It includes production, distribution, marketing, sales, and customer support stages.
The presentation will focus on innovation, understanding the differences in commercialization ways, and how to add value to a product and/or image.
One of the most important parts when carrying out transfer tasks is determining how we can profit from the product. Obtaining profit is quite important since it allows the creation of new job positions and allows the researchers to conduct more research on their expertise or even open new lines of investigation. In order to achieve these economic goals, it is important to know how we can commercialize the resulting products of the research. In addition to making the product profitable, an appropriate marketing campaign allows the researcher to make the product available to the public. This is very important if the research results are to be exploited and benefit society. The creation of a spin-off also allows the population to associate the product with
a company and makes the consumer-vendor relationship more stable and profitable.
RNDr. Ing. Jaromír Zahrádka, Ph.D.
Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (VŠCHT)
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
CEO and Managing Partner of i&i Biotech Fund
Jaromír Zahrádka is the co-founder of i&i Prague, a bio-innovation centre associated to the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Based on a successful development of i&i Prague, he also became the founder and CEO of the i&i Biotech Fund, the very first Technology Transfer fund of its kind in the CEE/V4 region (backed by EIF). The Fund focuses on investments in Central European scientific startups in the field of life sciences and biotech. Under his leadership, both companies have developed into respected partners of several Czech and European scientific institutions, spin-offs and other international investors.
During his carrier, Jaromír has been involved in development of a series of spin-offs and technology transfer projects, from incubation to successful exit. Together with his team, they supported (established or participated on a development) more than 15 biotech spin-off companies from more than 5 countries, the two of them were already successfully exited. Jaromir also participated on multiple out-licensing deals including Drug Discovery, Diagnostics or other technologies licensed to international companies. Jaromir combines his dual background in biochemistry and economics, and he teaches (among others) at UCT School of Business focusing and broadening his academic expertise in methods for determining the market potential of early-stage technologies and risk-adjusted valuation methods of scientific spin-offs.
Outline of the talk:
Why is intellectual property valuation becoming more important?
The presentation will be focused on Intellectual property valuation and its aspect, giving Tips For Achieving Reliable IP Valuation Results.
Intellectual property is an intangible asset that is the product of a company’s work or reputation. It might be a patented or patentable product, process, or service, or a trademark, copyright, or brand name. In short, intellectual property is a category of non-physical assets that are protected by law from unauthorized use. It is the unique creation of the company, and, though intangible, it is often
a significant driver of value within a company.
IP valuation is the process used to evaluate the arm’s length or fair market value of IP assets. Intellectual property valuation helps to determine not only the value of the IP but the true value of the business as a whole. Because IP often represents the most valuable assets a business possesses, calculating an accurate valuation of the business depends on accurately valuing its intellectual property.
Assessment of feasibility
A feasibility study is simply an assessment of the practicality of a proposed project plan or method and is an important part of a successful commercialization process. This is done by analyzing technical, economic, legal, operational, and time feasibility factors. Just as the name implies, you’re asking, “Is this feasible?” For example, do you have or can you create the technology to do what you propose? Do you have the people, tools, and finance, necessary? And, will the project get you the output you expect? When should be done a feasibility study? Answer these questions bringing
the presentation. The presentation will also focus on the more important criteria and steps to be carried out in order to determine if some research is prepared for commercialization and transfer.
prof. Anis Yazidi
Oslo Metropolitan University
Anis Yazidi received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway, in 2008 and 2012, respectively. He was a Researcher with NORCE, Kristiansand, Norway, from 2012 til 2014. He is currently a full Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, leading the Research Group in Applied Artificial Intelligence. He is also a Professor II in Data Science with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, and a Senior Researcher at Oslo University Hospital, Oslo. His current research interests include applied machine learning, reinforcement learning, stochastic optimization, and autonomous computing. He is currently PI from OsloMet in different projects including Horizon 2020 AI-Mind project, and NorSTAR center of excellence on trustworthy and sustainable AI.
Title of the presentation: AI opportunities and challenges in the context of Knowledge Transfer support in Norway
Outline of the talk: In this talk, we will cover the evolution of AI going through the breakthroughs that made it a game-changer for businesses. We will also review the basic ideas behind Machine Learning and Deep Learning. We will focus on opportunities and challenges related to AI especially in relation to its trustworthiness and sustainability as an emerging technology. Towards the end of the talk, we will give some prominent examples of pioneering AI startups in Norway.
It is up to each participant to arrange his/her accommodation in Hradec Králové.
Accommodation options in Hradec Králové are listed below:
- University Halls of Residence
- Academic
- Nové Adalbertinum
- U České koruny
- Vacek Pod Věží
- Grand
- U Královny Elišky
- Tereziánský Dvůr
- Boromeum
Selection procedure
Each project partner will organize a selection procedure for its applicants to participate in the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP. A total of 14 vacancies are offered (5 vacancies for participants from the Technical University of Košice, 4 for participants from the University of Granada, and 5 for participants from the University of Hradec Králové). The selection procedure of applicants for this activity will be ensured by 10 February 2023. The selection procedure of applicants will be transparent, open, non-discriminatory, and with equal opportunities.
Conditions of participation:
- Ph.D. student, young scientist, or academic
- Level of English B2
- A professional Interest in Technology Transfer
Ranking of applicants:
- CV (5 points)
- Cover Letter (5 points)
Applicants will send their CV and Cover Letter explaining, among other things, their interest in the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP – their expectations from the course, how exactly they fit into the target group, what year of study they are in, how they will make use of the knowledge and the experience gained from the course in their future studies/career and etc.) by 15 January 2023 to the contacts listed here:
- University of Hradec Králové – Jana Kukáková –
- Technical University of Košice – Viliam Fedák –
- University of Granada – Emilio Regueira Martínez –
Each of the participants from the University of Granada will be provided with funds from the project to attend the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP for a total amount of EUR 766 (EUR 360 Travel and EUR 406 subsistence). Each of the participants from the Technical University of Košice will be provided with funds from the project to attend the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP for a total amount of EUR 586 (EUR 180 Travel and EUR 406 subsistence). Participants of the University of Hradec Králové are not provided with any funds to attend the Hradec Spring Tech 4TTCAMP.
University of Hradec Králové – Jana Kukáková –
Technical University of Košice – Viliam Fedák –
University of Granada – Emilio Regueira Martínez –
Section navigation: Technology transfer together