About Us

The Institute of Primary, Pre-primary, and Special Education is one of the largest departments at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové. It consistently provides education in both in-person and blended formats in the following programs:
• Teaching in Kindergartens (Bachelor's degree),
• Special Pedagogy (Bachelor's degree),
• Early Childhood Education with a Focus on Children with Special Needs (follow-up Master's degree in Czech),
• Early Childhood Education with a Focus on Children with Special Needs (follow-up Master's degree in English),
• Teaching at Primary Schools (with optional specialization modules; one cycle five-year Master's program),
• Digital Technologies in Primary and Pre-primary Education (four-year doctoral program; Ph.D.).
During their undergraduate studies, students acquire the necessary professional competencies for teaching in their respective types of schools and for the role of a teacher (kindergartens, primary schools, special schools), educator, pedagogical assistant, or social worker. In doctoral studies, students focus primarily on developing professional competencies and engaging in activities within the field of science and research.
Emphasis is placed in all cases on pedagogical, special pedagogical, and psychological disciplines, as well as on practical experience in the relevant field. In the case of teaching disciplines, emphasis is also placed on language, mathematics, natural sciences, cultural and historical preparation, as well as information technology, and further on developing the creativity and skills necessary for practical activities in music, visual arts, physical education, technology, etc.
In addition to theoretical and academic training, an integral part of the preparation is pedagogical practice, which is included in all years of study. The institute has a long-standing collaboration with a wide range of kindergartens and primary schools (including special schools) and also with facilities providing social services (especially for individuals with disabilities), pedagogical-psychological counseling centers, special pedagogical centers, the Czech School Inspectorate, and others.
As part of lifelong education, the Institute offers a program in Special Pedagogy (intended for teachers) and a program in Special Pedagogy for educators, vocational training teachers, and practical teaching. Furthermore, the Institute conducts a program for school directors and educational facility managers (to meet qualification requirements for director positions).
The Institute of Primary, Pre-primary, and Special Education comprises 19 academic staff members (educators, psychologists, special educators). Moreover, colleagues from other departments of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Science , as well as external collaborators from practice (teachers, principals, psychotherapists, healthcare, and social workers) are also involved in teacher training.
In the context of research activities, the Institute focuses on both fundamental and applied research in the field of early childhood and younger school-age education and special pedagogy. Institute members are authors of numerous specialized publications released by prestigious publishers in the Czech Republic and abroad.
A significant part of the institute's activities is international cooperation. Each year, a considerable number of students from all programs offered by the Institute take advantage of the opportunity for studying abroad or practical internships. Students have the chance to gain knowledge and practical experience in many European (such as Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Slovenia, Poland ...) and non-European countries (such as the USA, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia ...). Additionally, they can take subjects in English along with incoming international students during their studies. Equally important in the realm of internationalization is the exchange of academic staff, which ensures the integration of the latest knowledge into students' undergraduate preparation.
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