doc. PhDr. Pavel Zikl, Ph.D.
head of the Institute for primary and pre-primary Education, associate professor
Building: A
Detail -
doc. PaedDr. Martina Maněnová, Ph.D.
head of the Section, associate professor
Building: A
Detail -
PaedDr. Vladimíra Hornáčková, Ph.D.
head of the Section, assistant professor
Building: A
Detail -
PhDr. Petra Bendová, Ph.D., MBA
head of the Section, assistant professor
Building: A
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Mgr. Gabriela Daňková
institute´s coordinator/officer
493331318, 493332891
Building: A
Building: S
Detail -
- HS
- SŠ
- JV
Mgr. Janet Wolf, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
assistant professor
493331171, 493331344, 493332928, 777332493
Building: A
Building: E
Detail - VF
- PP
- LB
- PB
- PK
- HL