Mathematics Education Seminar
Mathematics Education Seminar At the Department of Mathematics is held the Mathematics Education Seminar. There are prepared presentations with the aim of linking university study with teaching practise and creating possibilities for further education of teachers. All those interested are warmly welcome. For more informations see the posters.
23rd October. Petr Beremlijski (Technical University of Ostrava), Quizzes and Games for Teaching Mathematics and Tool to Help Teachers with Exams
24th April. Jan Veselý (Prague), Calendar or Astronomic Dimension of Easter Holidays
17th April. Marie Tichá (Prague), Several Stops on the Way to Understand of Fractions
26th March. Lucie Drašnarová (Habrmanova School, Hradec Králové), Word Problems in 1st and 2 nd Grade
13th March. Jitka Linhartová (Chrudim School dr. J. Malíka), Why to Teach Mathematics by Professor Hejný?
12th December. Sylva Stúpalová | Eva Šedinová | Kateřina Novotná (DM FoS UHK), Crossing the Tens Boundary | Play in Mathematics in the 1st and 2th Grade | Proofs and Pictures
21st November. František Kuřina (DM FoS UHK), Mistakes, Errors and Mathematics
10th October. Alena Šolcová (DAM FIT ČVUT), Joannes de Praga and Prague Astronomical Clock
9th April. Jindřich Bečvář (DoME MFF CUNI in Prague), Pythagorean Theorems
19th March. Lukáš Vízek (DoM FoS UHK), Life and Work of Josef Úlehla (1852-1933)
28th November. Zdena Kratochvílová (SNP School, Hradec Králové), Mathematics of Paper Folding
14th November. Luděk Spíchal (Czech Forestry Academy, Trutnov), Electronic Mathematics Textbook at Vocational School
3rd April. Radmila Nováčková (Vocelova Vocational School, HK) Mathematical Treasures at Vocational School
30th March. Alena Vávrová (Karla Čapka School, Prague - Vršovice), Abåku. The Game which Raises Addiction and Love to Mathematics.
6th March Petr Beneš (Biskupské gymnázium, HK), Mathematical Seminar
7th December. Veronika Vlášková, Marie Březinová, High-school Leaving Exam in Mathematics (presentation of diploma thesis).
18th April. Martin Krynický (Třeboň High School), If You Want to Learn... Mathematics and Physics at
31st March. Radim Špilka (VOŠZ and SZŠ, HK), Fliped Classroom Model in Mathematics.
7th March. Marek Liška (author of textbook), Matika pro spolužáky (Math for Classmates - Textbook)

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