Practical Information and Documents

Data Protection Academic Calendar, Contacts Courses Bank Account Obligation, Rights and Health of Students Dormitory Visa Help for our students  Orientation, Map University Library FAQs IT + Helpdesk UHK Guide


UHK Information Fact Sheet

Protection of Personal Data

Academic Calendar, Contacts

You can find all the contacts under the section International in the tab Contacts.

Courses for International Students

Academic year 2024/2025

List of Courses FF UHK 2024/2025

Timetable winter term 2024/2025

UHK Course Catalogue 2024/2025

Bank Account Information

Please note that the "Aktivní účet" is free of charge for students that are up to 26 year old.

Obligations, Rights and Health for Students

FALTÝNEK, Tomáš. How to Avoid Plagiarism: Student Handbook [online]. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2020 [cit. 2021-9-30]. ISBN 978-80-246-4816-3. Available at:

Health insurance

PVZP Health Insurance for Foreigners EXCLUSIVE instruction

PVZP Application for Foreigners' Comprehensive Medical Insurance

PVZP Health questionnaire for the insured person

PVZP Health Insurance Basic Information and Conditions

PVZP Pricelist in English

Free online medical advice for the PVZP clients

Dormitory Documents

Dormitory and Accommodation Rules UHK

Accommodation Price List

Pricelist of Dormitory Services

Dormitory Accommodation Contract 2023/2024

Dormitory Accommodation Contract Annex 1 - Prevention Rules

Dormitory Accommodation Contract Annex 2 - Dormitory Computer Network

Foreign Police Report - "Přihlašovací tiskopis cizince"


Requirements for an application for a long-term visa for the purpose of "studies"

Help for our students

Erasmus Students Network Hradec Králové (ESN)

Center for Information counselling and career advice (Also you can visit their webpage )

Orientation for Students, Map of University

Instructions in case of emergency situation at the airport

How to get from Prague Airport to Hradec Králové

How to get from Main Station Hradec Králové to "Palachovy koleje" dormitory

Building B (Philosophical Faculty) and how to get there

Map of University Buildings

You can also watch episode of the UHK Guide: "The Easiest Way from Prague Airport to Hradec Králové"

Do not forget to watch also other episodes of our UHK Guide, or simply download the printed version

University Library

First Steps in University Library (Also you can visit their webpage)

How to use e-sources with university access

SAGE journals instruction

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for International Students



If you have a problem with the online platforms used at FF UHK, you can also use our Helpdesk set up via MS Teams. Join the chat for help here: HELPDESK FF UHK 


For the common IT problems you can also check our video: