Current Degree Students
International Office
Investing in education abroad is the best investment for the future! Mobility abroad will push you forward not only professionally but also personally!
Those interested in international mobilities will be welcome in the International Office (see contacts). The departmental coordinators of the internationalization provide great support too:
Faculty coordinator | doc. Stephanie Inge Rudwick, Ph.D. |
Department of Archaeology | Mgr. Tomáš Mangel, Ph.D. |
Institute of History | doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Beran, Ph.D. |
Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Mgr. Petra Chudárková, Ph.D. |
Department of Political Science | Mgr. Sylvie Bláhová, Ph.D. |
Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archival Science | ThDr. Martin Dekarli, Th.D. |
Department of Sociology | Mgr. Andrea Bělehradová, Ph.D. |
Institute of Social Work | Mgr. Jan Hloušek, Ph.D. |
Centre of Foreign Languages | Mgr. Martina Thérová |
Every student outgoing for mobility abroad has to document his/her travel insurance. The amounts and limits are governed by the Bursar‘s Regulation No. 8/2019.
Students have the opportunity to use the offer of the ERV insurance company: Insurance conditions Instruction
Before mobility abroad, the student is obliged to become acquainted with the security protocol for student mobilities abroad.
Students of FF UHK can apply for many international mobilities. Please read this page and if you have any questions contact the coordinators.
1) Erasmus+
- Erasmus mobility for studies
- Erasmus mobility for traineeship
- Erasmus short mobility for doctoral students
- Erasmus International Credit Mobility
- General Erasmus rules
2) Non-European mobilities of FF UHK
The Erasmus+ programme allows students to spend from 2 to 12 months abroad. Mobilities are supported by a scholarship* to cover the extra costs of the student in relation to their stay abroad. Mobilities can only take place in countries participating in the Erasmus programme.
*The amount of the scholarship for the Academic Year 2025/2026 is likely to increase. Applicants will be informed of the exact amount no later than with the result of the selection process.
List of countries involved:
- EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
- EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
- Candidate countries: Turkey, Northern Macedonia, Serbia
- Mobilities to Switzerland are not possible
Internal rules of Erasmus mobilities (including recognition rules) - BA and MA students, Ph.D. students.
Erasmus student mobility for studies in a foreign higher education institution for 3-12 months. The student chooses a suitable destination after consultation with the International Office Coordinator. The student attends courses at a partner university during a stay for a period ranging from a semester to a year. A completed first year of bachelor's studies is a condition for mobility.
In case of any questions, contact Mrs. Lenka Žáková (
1st round of the selection process for Erasmus+ Student Mobilities for Studies in the academic year 2025/2026
Applicants shall fill in an application available till 3rd March 2025.
Documents that need to be attached to the application are following:
- Letter of Motivation – extent max. 1 A4, addressed to the head of the selection committee – doc. Stephanie Inge Rudwick, Ph.D.; in a language of teaching at the given university; pdf format, name of the file LoM_name_surname
- CV – in a language of teaching at the given university, extent max. 2 A4, pdf format, name of the file CV_name_surname
- Transcript of Records – from STAG system, pdf format, name of the file STAG_name_surname
Available partner universities:
Department of Political Science
Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Erasmus student mobility for traineeships in a foreign organization for 2-12 months is carried out because of a tripartite agreement between the student, the sending higher education institution and the receiving organization/institution/enterprise. The mobility for traineeship is related to the field of study and allows the student to gain experience while studying. Mobility can be done at any time during the university studies.
The student searches for an employer on their own with the support of the International Coordinator and the International Office of the FF UHK. A rich inspiration is provided by the NAEP database. Examples of suitable employers:
- A state, small, medium or large private enterprise (including social enterprises)
- A public body at the local, regional or national level
- A social partner or another representative of the working life, including chambers of commerce, craft guilds / professional associations and trade unions
- Research institution or foundation
- A school / school facility / training centre (at any level from pre-school to upper secondary, including vocational and adult education)
- Non-profit organizations, associations, NGOs
- A body providing career guidance, professional guidance and information services
- Beware of organizations where Erasmus mobilities for traineeships are not allowed: BLACK LIST
How to inform employers about what an Erasmus mobility for traineeships is? Open the webpage.
How to ask about traineeships?
Application for recognition.
The applications are accepted during the whole year until the funds are exhausted. Apply via STAG - My studies - ECTS departures, please add the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae - in the language of the mobility for traineeship, max. two A4, PDF format, file name CV_surname
- Invitation Letter from the employer detailing the content and the date of the mobility for traineeship – example of a letter
- Progress of Studies – document from STAG, PDF format, file name Course_surname
The selection process (interview) will take place within approximately 2 weeks after sending the materials.
The amount of scholarships depends on the target destination (630 EUR or 750 EUR).
Criteria for the selection of the students: language skills, previous study results, connection of the mobility for traineeship with the applicant's specialization.
Recommendation: apply for the traineeship in advance (at leat 2,5 month before the start of the mobility). After successful selection process it will be necessary to prepare a mobility plan.
Short-term mobility for doctoral students
To better meet the diverse learning and training needs of doctoral candidates and to ensure equal opportunities, doctoral candidates can undertake beside long-term study or traineeship mobility periods abroad also short-term mobilities.
Study stays: according to the bilateral agreements
Traineeships: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey
Duration: 5-30 days
Scholarship: 1.-14. day of activity: 79 EUR/day, 15.-30. day of activity: 56 EUR/day
Students with fewer opportunities can receive extra support (100 EUR for 1.-14. days, 150 EUR fro 15.-30.days)
The budget for short-term mobility is limited. The amount of the scholarship may be reduced.
Criteria for selection: Reason for shor-term mobilities, language skills, link of the mobility to the student´s research focus
Deadline: continuously during the academic year
Apply via STAG - My studies - ECTS departures, required documents: CV, invitation letter (content+dates) and Transcript of records
Recommendation: apply for the mobility in advance (at leat 1,5 month before the start of the mobility). After successful selection process it will be necessary to prepare a mobility plan.
In case of any questions, please contact Petra Hůlková (, 493 331 219, office number 23 050).
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility - for Ph.D. students
The Erasmus programme covers not only intra-European mobilities but also, since 2015, mobilities to other partner countries. The programme is aimed primarily at incoming students and teachers. Only Ph.D. students and teachers can be sent as outgoing ones. FF UHK currently has projects with the following regions: ICM project.
Scholarship: 800 EUR/month, duration 1 month, travel scholarship depends on distance (4 000 - 7 999 km = 820 EUR, more than 8 000 km = 1 500 EUR). The call for academic year 2025/2026, winter term, is open till 17/03/2025 - please check the conditions and destinations HERE
Applicants shall send the application (online here) with the following documents:
- Cover letter (extent max. 2 A4, in English, pdf format), file name CL_surname
- CV (extent max. 3 A4, in English, pdf format), file name CV_surname
- Progress of Studies – document from STAG, PDF format, file name Course_surname
In case of any questions, please contact Mgr. et Mgr. Věra Kouřimová (, 493 332 007, 734 420 615, office number 230 50).
General Erasmus Rules
The student can participate in the student mobility for studies or for traineeship abroad for a total of a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor’s, Master’s, doctoral). Thus, he/she can for example complete 6 months of mobility for studies and 6 months of mobility for traineeships, or for example full 12 months of mobility for traineeships. However, there is always a limit of 12 months in one study cycle.
Example: A student in the 2nd year of their Bachelor's studies spent a winter semester at a partner university in Germany (5 months). In their third year, they can go on another mobility for studies for another 5 months, and then on a traineeship mobility for 2 months.
Support for Participants with Special Needs
A person with special needs means a potential participant whose physical, mental, or medical condition is such that their participation in the mobility would not be possible without additional financial support. The UHK will ask the national agency for additional grant support for students or staff with specific needs to cover the increased costs associated with their participation in the mobility. People with special needs can therefore receive a grant support, amounting to 10,000 EUR maximum.
Students with Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Backgrounds
If the student comes from a disadvantaged socio-economic environment (not related to a health issue), it is possible to increase the scholarship by EUR 250/month. If a participant receives an increase due to the socio-economic disadvantage, they do not benefit from an increase in the scholarship for the mobility for a traineeship (i.e. a student receives either an increase for their traineeship mobility traineeship OR an increase of EUR 250 due to socio-economic disadvantage).
Support for Participants with Special Dietary Requirements
This financial support is for those students who are gluten free, coeliacs, lactose intolerant, etc. It has to be proved by medical report, therefore the voluntary lifestyle choices such as being vegetarian or vegan are excluded. The scholarship is increased by EUR 250/month.
Green travel
If the student decides to use sustainable option for transport, there is an additional financial support of 50 EUR. As green travel is considered train/bus ride and carpooling. The support is only granted when student uses this option for more than 50% of the journey. We will require proof in form of original tickets.
NON-EUROPEAN MOBILITIES - studies, traineeships
The FF UHK has been supporting student departures to non-European countries for several years. Student mobilities for studies are open to all students (BA, MA, Ph.D.).
The selection process for non-European mobilities for studies are usually held twice a year - in spring and in autumn. After delivering the required materials (application, letter of motivation, structured curriculum vitae and transcript of records) an oral interview is held. The offer of the partner institutions is constantly expanding; the selection procedures do not have to be announced for all destinations.
The scholarship is given in accordance with Dean‘s Decree No. 26/2020
Criteria for the Selection of Mobilities for Studies:
- Language skills - ability to write and speak in a foreign language - in the appropriate language according to the university where the applicant wishes to study.
- Motivation to study abroad, motivation to study at the relevant university.
- Previous study results.
- Activities (both curricular and extracurricular activities) related to the field of study or the relevant mobility.
- For BA students previous experience abroad.
The call for the academic year 2025/2026 is open till 10/3/2025.
Applicants shall send the application (online HERE with the following documents:
- CV in Spanish/Portuguese or English - depends on the language of destination, pdf format, file name CV_surname
- cover letter in Spanish/Portuguese or English - depends on the language of destination, pdf format, file name CL_surname
- Progress of Studies – document from STAG, pdf format, file name Course_surname
In case of any questions, please contact BA (Hons) Petra Hůlková (, 493 331 219, office number 230 50).
In addition to the traditional mobilities for studies, the support is also directed at mobilities for traineeships - Czech Trade branches, embassy of the Czech Republic or non-profit organizations (People in Need Costa Rica).
Supporting Medium and Long-Term Mobilities
Since 2017, FF UHK has offered a special scholarship for students who spend min. 31 days abroad and develop their knowledge in the field they study at FF UHK. The financial support is divided into residence and travel scholarships according to the destination and distance from the Czech Republic. For details, see Dean’s Decree of FF UHK No. 26/2020. If you are interested in this support from FF UHK, please fill in the Annex No. 1 to this Decree (Application for Scholarship for Mobility Abroad), give it to your departmental coordinator for internationalization (in the case of Ph.D. students, to your supervisor) to confirm it, and bring it to the Foreign Office.
The FF UHK also supports extraordinary foreign trips of doctoral students that cannot be financed from other sources. This support is governed by the Dean’ Decree of the FF UHK No. 5/2021. If you are interested in this form of support from the FF UHK, please complete the Application for Financing the Extraordinary Trip Abroad, which is attached to that decree, give it to your supervisor and the head of the department for confirmation, and then bring it to the International Office.
Academic Information Agency Scholarships
Here you can find basic information about AIA scholarships for university students. If you are interested in a particular country, try to find a scholarship through the search engine. Keep an eye on the current AIA offers.
A programme of the cooperation between Czech and Austrian universities.
A promise of acceptance from the host Austrian university (a teacher who is contacted by the student individually), recommendations from two UHK teachers and sufficient knowledge of German or English are required here.
Deadline always:
March 15 for the winter semester
October 31 for the summer semester
- A central European university exchange programme, aimed at regional cooperation within university networks
- FF UHK is not in any network but so-called freemover programme can be used
- Destinations: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia as well as the University of Pristina in Kosovo
- Only full-time students can leave for it, at the same time they must have completed the second semester, so students from the second year onwards may go there
- Minimum 21 days, maximum 10 months
- Necessary invitation letter from the foreign institution and two recommendation letters from the home university
- Deadline: November 30 for the summer semester. It is possible to leave for the winter semester only exceptionally after agreement with the host National Office
Czech-German Future Fund – Germany
- Students of all semesters of humanities and social sciences
- Duration of the stay is one or two semesters, a student must not just terminate another mobility for studies in Germany and at the same time must not receive another scholarship
- More information HERE
Catholic Academic Service for Foreigners - Germany (KAAD)
- Duration of stay 2-36 months, not only study but also research stays
- Deadline twice a year: always January 15 and June 30
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Germany
- Study and research stays of 1 - 10 months
- More information and links to various types of scholarships can be found HERE
Bayhost – Germany
- One-year student mobility for studies at universities in Bavaria, which may be extended up to three years
Visegrad Scholarship Programme
- Mgr. and Ph.D. students, minimum stay for one semester, maximum for 2 semesters
- Destination: Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo
- Deadline: always March 15
Fulbright Scholarship
- Designed for studies or research at the Ph.D. level in the United States for all disciplines
- Possibilities: visiting research, whole degree, nondegree (academic year – 9 months)
- Very good knowledge of English is necessary
- Excellent study results during studies at the home university
- Deadline: September 1 for the next year
Marie Curie Events
- A job search server for trainees across the EU
Slovak Scholarship Programme – Slovakia
- Necessary invitation from a university or institution authorized to pursue a doctoral study programme in Slovakia
- Duration from 1 to 2 semesters
- Deadline: October 31 to 4 p.m. for the summer semester, April 30 to 4 p.m. for the winter semester of the following academic year
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