Scientific journals of FF

The Philosophical Faculty supports the publication of a total of 5 journals, whether in the printed or online form. These journals include Living Archaeology, Philosophy Nowadays, Historia Aperta, Modern Africa and Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica, formerly also Východočeské listy historické (East Bohemian Historical Periodical). The financial support is secured from the resources of the Editorial Board, which annually provides finance for print, reviews, editors and other costs necessary for the publication of the journals.

All journals are available on the University e-shop.


Živá archeologie (Living Archaeology)

Living Archaeology was founded in 2000, at that time only called Reconstruction and Experiment in Archaeology. The original aim of the journal was to support the development of the archaeological experiment and reconstruction in our country, to give our authors space for publication and discussion on this issue (which has rather been on the edge of interest in archaeology for long time). However, it turned out that in a small environment of our archaeology, the authors’ exhaustion soon occurred.

The journal responded by changing the strategy. Formally, the phrase Living Archaeology was added to its name in 2004. In terms of content, the journal began, apart from our works, to focus on events in this field abroad too.  This preserves the orientation of the journal but in the sense of a broader concept of the archaeological experiment and reconstruction as it is common abroad, including methods of presentation of the archaeology, not only using the method of so-called open-air museums (in the sense of the Anglo-Saxon "public archaeology"). In addition to articles using an archaeological experiment, it was also intended to discuss methods of popularizing archaeology in the future.

In order to avoid the general pedagogical concept (i.e.: "how to" popularize), the journal has chosen a method of concrete outputs in the form of short thematic archaeological syntheses since 2005. Many of them have become interesting review professional papers for more demanding readers - archaeologists and also non-archaeologists. Different disciplines actually form the museology in a broader sense, that is to say museology outside the museum itself. In this sense, the magazine differs from the temporarily existing popularizing archaeological journals (e.g. Archaeology).

The journal is published in printed form once a year.


Filosofie Dnes (Philosophy Nowadays)

The journal Filosofie Dnes focuses mainly on questions arising on the borderline between social sciences and philosophy. The composition of the editorial board, which brings together people connected with different philosophical traditions as well as with different ideas about what philosophy should focus on, is evidence of an effort to overcome the particular delineations, from which the philosophical debate is nowadays suffering.

Thus the aim of the journal is the confrontation of different conceptions of philosophy as well as the interdisciplinary approach to the problems that philosophy shares with sciences such as history, political science, sociology or cognitive science. Therefore, the journal should primarily contain articles that can:


1) overcome the particular focus of individual socio-scientific disciplines and arouse interest in interdisciplinary solutions to issues that they share (e.g. how to make an objective sense, how to reflect current value and epistemological relativism, what the theoretical roots and legitimacy of existing political-social theories are, what role norms and normativity play within human society and human thinking, what the relationship between language and thought is).

2) arouse a discussion between different approaches to philosophy and overcome some of the reserve, from which, for example, phenomenology or analytical philosophy currently suffer. Both traditions come from very similar roots, motivated by criticism of metaphysical speculations, and it is desirable to find a new way of complementarity, whether based on comparison of individual conceptual analyses or mutual criticism of ambiguities in the latest theories arisen from both these approaches (e.g. in relation to thinking and language, overcoming dualism of mind and body, etc.)

3) promote a philosophy that is not history-oriented but is able to analyse and reflect the current results of empirical science research. We therefore want to explore the theories of older thinkers to the extent that new interpretations of their ideas help us solve our own philosophical questions. Philosophy is not a relic for us, but a way towards the search for answers to the questions that the philosophy asks today.

The journal is published twice a year, always in spring and autumn in an electronic form.


 Východočeské listy historické (East Bohemian Historical Periodical)


The mission of the East Bohemian Historical Periodical is to annually publish historical studies, material articles, reports, reviews and other information from the environment of the contemporary Czech historical science and partly also from its East Bohemian branch. The new editorial board gradually transforms the original regional conception of the periodical into a historical journal focusing on a wider historical space in the renewed new VLH series.

In recent years, the name “East Bohemian Historical Periodical” has primarily designated the place of publication of the periodical, and not its thematic focus, which is nowadays often Czech-wide. There is also a profile with a Central European scope, in which the Czech-Slovak and Czech-Polish areas are highlighted. The broad thematic orientation of the journal is confirmed by the names of the authors who have published in it so far. Within a few years, the VLH has become a respected periodical, which has its firm place among professional historical journals of the Czech Republic.

The East Bohemian Historical Periodical was founded in 1996 and is published twice a year in a printed form.

 East Bohemian Historical Periodical is registered in the Erih+ database.

Historia Aperta

Historia Aperta is an open-access academic peer reviewed journal focused on the history of Czech lands and (Central) European region. It is published twice a year by the University of Hradec Králové in both online and print versions. Prior to 2022, this journal appeared under the title Východočeské listy historické. While highly respected in Czech academic circles since its founding in 1996, the editorial board changed the periodical’s name to Historia Aperta to reflect their commitment to providing an open international forum for the global community of historians. The journal publishes expert and interdisciplinary papers, particularly those related to Digital Humanities, with a mission to present scientific articles, primary sources (material articles), reviews, and news concerning the historical discipline. Besides Czech, the journal accepts articles in English, German, Polish and Slovak. The ethics statement of the journal is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All journal papers are published under the terms of Creative Common License.

The magazine is included in the H-SOZ-KULT database.

Historia Aperta  (Print)                     ISSN 2788-0702

Historia Aperta  (On-line)                 ISSN 2788-0710

 Modern Africa


 Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society is a reviewed scientific open-access journal published by FF UHK. The jornal is published twice a year in English. The aim of the journal is to publish original texts that cover important political, social and historical issues about Africa. In particular, the editorial board supports an interdisciplinary approach to studies. Published articles cover a wide range of approaches from political science through history and sociology to anthropology or environmental and development studies.

Currently, Modern Africa is abstracted or indexed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), EBSCO Sociology Source, Google Scholar, DOAJ or International Political Science Abstracts (on selective basis).  You can also find Modern Africa in the Scopus database.

You can also find the journal Modern Africa on Facebook or Twitter



The focus of Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica – Natural Sciences in Archaeology is the ongoing cooperation of archaeology with the natural sciences and other disciplines. The journal’s interests include bioarchaeology (archaeobotany, archaeozoology, archaeogenetics and anthropology), geoarchaeology (geochemistry, micromorphology, petrography, material analyses, environmental reconstruction), dating methods in archaeology and other fields such as computational archaeology, digital documentation etc. We publish contributions that aim to solve archaeological questions utilizing the methods of the natural sciences and other fields. The birth of IANSA reflected the growing need of scientists in Central Europe to access an international journal focused on the methods of the natural sciences and interdisciplinary cooperation in archaeology. The growth of natural science methods within archaeology has been very dynamic. It is anticipated that our target group of readers will also grow in the coming years and, along with traditional archaeological institutions, will gradually include specialized natural science institutions (natural science departments associated with archaeology focused museums, specialized laboratories, etc.) in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The journal is strictly scientific, peer reviewed, and publishes only in British English. Each article is reviewed by two specialists in fields related to the content of the article. IANSA is listed in journal indexes such as Scopus, ERIC and DOAJ. A hardcopy of the journal is issued semi-annually, on glossy paper, with an initial circulation of 250 pieces. It is available in electronic format on the journal’s web page