FF News 04/20/2020

Measures for Possible Implementation of Exceptions in Free Persons´ Movement Prohibition at FF UHK Building

FF UHK  Dean´s Decree No. 12/2020

Measures for Possible Implementation of Exceptions in Free Persons´ Movement Prohibition at FF UHK Building

This decree introduces the possibility of implementing an exception in the prohibition against the movement of persons at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové (hereinafter “FF UHK“) according to the measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (ref. number MZDR 16184/2020- 1/MIN/KAN) from April 15th, 2020, exempting the prohibition of the personal students´ attendance in higher education premises with effect from 20 April 2020 (in association with the emergency measure ref. number MZDR 16195/2020-1/MIN/KAN).

Article 1 -  Scope of Measurement

1. Since this decree is valid the prohibition against the personal presence of students does not apply to individual visits of the Lesak´s library of the FF UHK for the purpose of an urgent reception or submission of study literature and for the personal attendance of students who are in their final year of studies in the following cases:

  1. Individual tutorials with a teacher
  2. Taking examinations and credits for those students who are in their final year of studies
  3. Taking the state final examinations of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs and defence of final bachelor and diploma theses.
  4. Laboratory work or work that requires the use of specific techniques at the FF UHK building for students of their final years of studies
  5. Individual tutorials at the Study Department, the International Department, the Project Department and the Science and Research Department of the FF UHK, only in cases when such meeting is inevitable and agreed with the staff of these departments in advance.

2. Since this decree is valid, the recommended restrictions of the personal presence of academicians do not apply to individual visits of the Lesak´s library FF UHK for the purpose of an urgent reception or submission of study literature and for the individual meetings with students in their final year of their studies in the following cases:

  1. Individual tutorials with students.
  2. Examination of students of their final year of their studies.
  3. Meetings of state final examination committees in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs and committees for bachelor and diploma theses defence.
  4. To enable the realization of laboratory work or work that requires the use of specific techniques at the FF UHK building for students of their final years of studies.

 Article 2 – Safety and Hygiene Measurement

1. Due to continuing measures related to the prevention of the occurrence of coronavirus and propagation of the disease COVID-19, farther  in association with the UHK Rector´s regulations and the FF UHK Dean´s  statement and in accordance with the version of the extraordinary measures issued by Ministry of Health of The Czech Republic, reference number MZDR 16184/2020- 1/MIN/KAN and ref. number MZDR 16195/2020- 1/MIN/KAN (hereinafter “extraordinary measures”) is necessary, in the exceptions provided in Article 1 of this Decree, to comply with increased safety and hygiene measures among students and academicians for the entire duration of the emergency measures.

2. All students and teachers who enter the building of the FF UHK, based on this decree (hereinafter “attendees”) shall comply with the following safety and hygiene rules:

  1. All attendees must use protective masks, respirators or other mechanical barriers to cover their mouth and nose so that the spread of a possible infection is maximally prevented. The protective equipment must be collocated before entering the building and must be worn during the entire period of time spent in all areas of the building of FF UHK.
  2. All attendees are obliged to use hand disinfectants in the prescribed manner immediately after entering the building. The placement of disinfectants in the FF UHK building will be appropriately marked. It is also recommended to use disinfectants after every hand contact with busy places (especially door handles, handrails, etc.).
  3. All attendees will limit the movement in the premises of the FF UHK building to the necessary minimum and after handling the matters referred to in this Decree in Article 1 paragraph 1, letter a) to e) and paragraph 2, letter a) to d) immediately leave the building of FF UHK.
  4. All attendees shall be obliged to refrain from physical contact and to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between each person present in the area. It is not possible to hold individual meetings mentioned in this decree in the Article 1, paragraph 1 letter a) to d) and paragraph 2, letter a) to e) in the in rooms, which by their dimensions do not allow permanent observance of the prescribed minimum personal distance. This regulation concerns not only classrooms and offices, but also corridors and other premises of the FF UHK building.
  5. The use of other protective equipment, especially protective hygienic gloves is recommended to all attendees. If a face-to-face meeting or examination requires the student's written work on-site, the student is required to wear protective gloves. When performing laboratory and other work, which requires the usage of a specific technique at the FF UHK building, both a student and a supervisor or other persons handling this technique, must use protective gloves.
  6. All students present must possess a completed and signed statutory declaration form of the absence of signs of a viral infectious disease before entering the building, which is annexed to this decree (hereinafter “statutory declaration”).

3. Teachers are also obliged:

  1. To determine the exact time and place for meetings with particular students according to the Article 1, paragraph, letter a) to e) and paragraph 2 letter a) to d), under the conditions stated in the article 2 paragraph 2 of this decree so that the maximum number of attendees does not exceed 5 (including teacher or teachers present). The exact time and place of the meeting must be agreed with the students in advance; by electronic, telephone or other forms of impersonal contact. The teacher has the right to refuse an individual meeting with students who do not arrive on time at the given place.
  2. After the agreement with particular students, the teacher has to determine the potential order of students or groups of students for the meeting by specifying the exact time and an exact location for this meeting. When determining time conditios and order of individual meetings with students, it is inevitable to be mindful of avoiding students´ clustering in the FF UHK premises, while waiting for the meeting.
  3. To minimize the time of face-to-face meetings.
  4. To take heed of maintaining a requisite personal distance according to Article 2, paragraph 2, letter d) of this decree.
  5. To notify students of the wording of this decree and take heed of permanent
    adherence to established rules for an individual meeting.
  6. To request a completed and signed statutory declaration during the individual meeting with students  so that they can be subsequently registered according to the wording of the Article 4 of this decree. 

4. Students are also obliged:

  1. To attend the building of the FF UHK only at a time agreed with the teacher or teachers or other employees of the FF UHK in advance.
  2. To attend only the particular premises of the FF UHK, which have been agreed with the teacher or teachers or other employees of the FF UHK in advance.
  3. Not to enter the building of the FF UHK without serious reasons and without agreement and consent of the particular teacher or teachers or other employees of the FF UHK.
  4. To follow consistently all instructions located on the information signs, notice boards and additional areas in the building of the FF UHK
  5. To arrive on time and stay only for a necessary time or the stretch of time set by the teacher or teachers or other employees of the FF UHK.
  6. Not to cluster with other students in the corridors and other premises of the FF UHK building.
  7. To follow strict instructions of the teacher or teachers or other employees of the FF UHK during the agreed time of the student´s presence in the building of the UHK.
  8. To submit immediately the duly completed and signed statutory declaration to the teacher or other employees of the FF UHK during the arranged individual meeting.
  9. To follow the instructions of the teacher or Bachelor´s/ Master ´s thesis supervisor in case they decide to opt for a distance form of testing and tutorials.

Article 3 – Statutory Declaration of Noninfectiousness and its Register

1. Every student who attends the building of the FF UHK  is obliged to possess the currently completed and signed statutory declaration according to the regulation Article 2, paragraph 2, letter f) of this decree. During an agreed meeting with the teacher/teachers or other employees, the student immediately submits this form to the teacher or teachers or other employees of the FF UHK who will check its validity. In case the student does not possess a valid statutory declaration form or will be detected that the form contains false or outdated data, the teacher or other employees of the FF UHK immediately interrupt the individual meeting with the student. The student will be instructed by the teacher, or other employees of the FF UHK, about a necessity to possess a truthfully and currently completed statutory declaration according to the wording of this decree.

2. The student is obliged to fill in and sign the statutory declaration every time he/she enters the building of the FF UHK.

3. The teacher is obliged to keep records of all the statutory declarations collected on the day of his / her presence at the FF UHK building and before leaving the premises of the FF UHK to submit them all together personally or through secretaries of the departments or institutes to the Study Department of the FF UHK. The preferred way of submitting them is to use a mailbox situated next to the entrance to the Study Department of the FF UHK to minimize the contact between employees.

4. The Study Department of the FF UHK is tasked to keep records of the statutory declarations for the entire duration of the emergency measures.

Article 4 – Final Regulations

1. All management acts of the Dean of the FF UHK, issued during the emergency measures remain in vigour.

2. Teachers are strongly advised to minimize individual meetings with students and realize face-to-face meeting only in cases when students´ issues cannot be realized in a distance way according to the Dean´s Regulation number 1/2020. The preferred way of teaching and tutorials is still the distance form.

This Decree shall enter into force and effect on 20 April 2020 and shall be valid until further notice.

Mgr. Jan Prouza, Ph.D., m.p.

Dean of FF UHK

Annexe number 1

Statutory declaration of noninfectiousness


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Annexe Statutary Declaration Dean´s Decree 12-20

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