The jubilee year of the Meeting of Nations was enriched by students from FF

International students from the Philosophical Faculty UHK were part of the jubilee 10th year Meeting of Nations organized by the Integration Center for Foreigners.
The annual event, Meeting of the Nations, presented many national cultures through food, music, dance and traditions. The event is not only an opportunity to show aspects of different cultures to the general public but also serves its purpose of strengthening people-to-people connections by providing a common time and place for meetings of different cultures. Discussions, workshops and sharing of experiences deepen understanding between different people and lead to greater respect.
As always, several of our students, this time from Ghana, Kenya and Mexico, actively participated by promoting their traditions and thus enriched many other examples of individual national customs that were represented at the event.
On behalf of both us and the students, we would like to thank the Integration Center for Foreigners in Hradec Králové for organizing the entire event, and we wish them the best of luck in the next decade.